Chapter 2

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The girls of Invading Radiance were lounging around in the family room of Invasion Headquarters (the band house). Moo had her earbuds in and was on the ground leaning up against the couch while writing in her journal. Clay and eSs were on the couch Moo was leaning on having an intense Mario Kart battle and Elle and Gem were on the side couch scrolling through social media and recording the two battling to post. It was about a week after the interview and the announcement of their EP, so the girls decided to finally give themselves some leisure time . But of course, that didn't last too long because their manager walked into the room and interrupted their down time.

"Girls, we need to have a meeting right now."

"Yeah, okay, one second though I'm about to kick little Miss Clay Face here at Mario Kart," eSs said acknowledging the manager but disregarding the seriousness of the upcoming meeting.

Clay was quick to call her out, "Yeah right. We've played how many cups? And you haven't won a single one of them."

"True but neither have you, they've all been ties!" The two girls continued like this for a little while. Moo had taken out her earbuds and was watching the two of them in amusement along with Elle and Gem. The manager tried to be mad at them for not taking this as seriously as they should, but then he remembered that this was their off time and they were all still teenagers. But when they had completed the cup and found out they both tied for second place he was quick to turn off the game before they could start another tiebreaker. They were about to start complaining, but the manager just held up his hand and began to speak.

"Don't even start. I let you finish your round and now we need to have our meeting." All of the girls give in and nod their heads. The manager turns around and heads to the meeting room as all the girls lift themselves from their spots. When eSs had fully stood up, she was assaulted by Gem jumping into her arms and Moo lightly jumping on her back. After she regained balance, eSs started to make her way over to the meeting room with the two girls hanging off of her. And when Clay stood up, Elle came up to her and hugged her from the front.

"Would you like me to carry to the meeting too?" Clay asked her innocent little friend while she returned the hug.

"Yes please," Elle said while looking up and giving her the brightest closed-eye smile she could. Clay couldn't help but coo at the youngest member as she picked her up princess style and headed to the meeting room. When they got there, Clay placed Elle in her chair and then proceeded to sit down in her spot.

"Okay, now that you're all here I can address the matter at hand," the manager started. The girls gave their full attention to the tone of voice he always seemed to have when they had meetings. "We have a made a deal with another band, and we would like you to check it out and consider it. We have already made the deal, but this is still your band, so the ultimate choice comes down to you five."

All five girls looked around at each other with faces of confusion and excitement before their manager continued to speak. "So you will be getting on a plane to Los Angeles at nine o'clock tomorrow morning. You will only be there for three days and two nights so it shouldn't take you an excessive amount of time to pack."

All the girls groan at this news and when they got a confused look from their manager eSs decided to speak up. "Are you serious? You know that this is our week off right? We haven't had a whole week off in a long time, and we need this break."

Before the rest of the band could chime in, their manager quickly puts their minds to rest. "I know that this is your break time and I'm sorry that I have to cut into it a little bit, but you have to go and consider this deal. If you accept, this could be either a turning point or a milestone in your career as a band. And if it makes you feel any better, the deal shouldn't take too long so you can have the rest of your break down in Los Angeles. How does that sound?"

The girls all look around at each other seemingly contemplating the idea. In reality, they all already had their united answers, but they wanted to give their manager some suspense. Finally, they all simultaneously look towards the man sitting at the head of the table. Clay then gave him the final verdict.

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