Chapter 1

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Two years ago

The school bell could be heard throughout the school while students slowly began to make their way to their sixth-period class. Madeline looks up from her journal as her classmates started to file into the choir room. She made a quiet sigh, pulled out her headphones, and stood up so she could head to her spot. As she moved through the class, she accidentally bumped into someone else, and the contents of her journal flew everywhere.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry Madeline," Cailani turned around and urgently apologized for causing her quiet classmate to drop her precious journal. The two girls bent down and started to collect all of the papers from the floor. When all of the pages were in either of the girl's possession, they both stood up. Cailani was so focused on the piece of sheet music in her hand that she didn't quite notice Madeline's patient yet anxious hand extended out waiting to be handed the last paper. But when she finally did, she let out a bit of an embarrassed laugh.

"Sorry about that," Cailani finally says and passes the sheet music to Madeline. But before the quiet individual could walk away, Cailani lightly grabs her arm. "Sorry if this is intruding, but I just wanted to know; did you write that piece?"

Madeleine was a startled at the question. That song wasn't supposed to be seen by anyone else; she was just so scared that others would ridicule her on her songwriting skills. With this thought in mind, she slowly nods her head, not making eye contact with Cailani.

"That's awesome!" Madeline wasn't expecting such a positive response. "From what I saw, you definitely have skill in composing and songwriting."

The compliment caused Madeleine to look away, but instead of it being out of negative hesitation it was out of positive embarrassment. She looked up at Cailani and gave her a genuine smile out of thanks. She got a nod and a toothy smile in response. The second bell rang indicating the official start of sixth period. The two of them share one last smile before they walk away to their separate places in the class. Just as they walk to their positions the choir director, Mrs. East, walks out of her office. As she does, the class automatically starts to quiet down and had diminished to hushed whispers and slight shushing. When Mrs. East gets to the front of the class, the students take a breath to prep for warm-ups, but she holds her hand up to stop them.

"Wow so eager and well trained, this is why you're my advanced choir class," the choir room was the filled with giggles and small laughs. "Anyway, before we start I wanted to introduce a new student to you guys. Everleigh, if you could come up here please."

A small and innocent looking girl walked up to the front of the class and stood next to Mrs. East's podium. "Now everyone, this is Everleigh Hamilton, and she just moved here from... I'm sorry deary, where did you move from again?"

Everleigh gave Mrs. East a sweet and understanding smile. "It's all good Mrs. East," She then turned towards the class. "I moved here from Alabama."

Those who were in the back of the class heard the senior Shay whisper out "Aw, what a cutie." This caused the girl right next to her, Genevieve, to cover her mouth and let out a stifled giggle. Shay then playfully glared at her and gave her a light-hearted shove with her shoulder. Then all the attention was pulled back to the front of the class.

"Now sweety, you don't need to worry too much about where to stand today so you can just go stand over by Madeline." Mrs. East then pointed over to the quiet blonde who raised her hand so Everleigh would know who she was. Everleigh made eye contact and gave her a friendly smile as she made her way over to the open spot. Meanwhile, the rest of the class was confused as to why it didn't matter where she stood. But all their questions were answered within seconds.

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