Jay - The Princely Type

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Before he could protest, you slipped out the door, not even having the energy to slam it behind you.

Jay wasn't the same after your breakup. The sparkle had died from within his chocolate brown eyes. His movements were slow and careless, as though he no longer had any spirit inside him. But he didn't. He had lost you, the love of his life, over something as simple as jealousy.

His tourney matches suffered. He missed every pass, every goal. Chad was there to pick up the slack, propelling the team into winning scores, but that only aided Jay's depression. Chad was a better tourney player – another reason Jay could never be good enough for you.

The biggest tourney game of the year was fast approaching, and Jay's self-loathing was growing stronger. He had been telling you about the game for months – how excited he was, how hard he'd been training himself and his teammates. You had promised to attend, to cheer him on louder and with more passion than the cheerleaders could ever dream.

But now that you and he were no longer together... he wondered if you would show, and he wondered if he wanted you to.

"Come on, (y/n)! It's the biggest game of the season!" Evie's cheerful voice only enticed a groan from your throat.

"If I have to go," Mal commented, referring to her relationship with Ben, "then so do you."

"No, I don't," you exhaled a sigh. "I'm no longer dating anyone on the team. Therefore, I'm under no obligation to attend tourney games."

Sympathy shined in Evie's eyes as she sat beside you, resting a tender hand on your shoulder. "I know it hurts," she murmured. "And I know seeing him will hurt more. But imagine how excited he'll be when he sees you in the crowd. He might get his game back."

"I don't know, E-" Your brow furrowed as you caught up with her words. "What do you mean, get his game back?"

Mal raised a brow. "You don't know?"

You shook your head. "Know what?"

"Jay hasn't played the same since you broke up," Evie explained. "He's been missing goals and forgetting plays, even plays that he designed. Chad's had to step up take over, and Jay's about to lose his title as Captain."

Another sigh tugged out of your mouth. "Then he'll just think I'm there for Chad."

"Is that why you broke up?" Mal questioned.

You nodded softly. You had never explained the cause, only that you and Jay had a fight and that you walked away.

"Chad keeps flirting with me," you informed them. "Jay couldn't understand that there was no way I would ever be interested in Chad. He was convinced I was going to leave him. I told him that if he couldn't trust me the way I trusted him, we couldn't be together."

Evie winced. "So Chad picking up his tourney slack is like rubbing salt in the wound."

"So, it's settled," Mal stated. "You're going, and you're going to cheer for Jay. Prove to him that you love him, because I know you do, and show him that you don't care what Chad does."

You chewed at your lower lip as your eyes darted between Mal's determination and Evie's hopefulness.

"Fine," you groaned. "I'll go."

The tourney team was gathered on the field, discussing strategies. Jay tried to focus on his teammates, but his heart remained elsewhere, tugging his brain along with it.

Ben nudging Jay's shoulder caught his attention.

"Look," Ben murmured, turning his head towards the bleachers. Jay's gaze tiredly followed, his eyes lighting up when he caught sight of you sandwiched in between Mal and Evie.

"She's here..." he breathed.

Ben smiled. "She's here for you. I know she is."

Jay glanced worriedly at Chad, who was busy flipping his hair and pretending to be the Captain. When the brunet turned back to the stands, he found your (e/c) gazing into his own.

Ben was right. You were there for Jay, not Chad.

With a grin on his lips, Jay turned back to the team, talking over Chad in order to discuss strategies and determine a plan of action.

The game was over. Auradon had won. The cheerleaders were screaming at the top of their lungs, and Mal had rushed down to the field for Ben to wrap her in his arms. You hung awkwardly on the bleachers, not wanting to leave but not necessarily wanting to get closer.


Your name was suddenly called over the speaker, and your eyes lifted to see Jay standing at the edge of the field, holding a microphone. Your brow furrowed as you wondered what he was planning.

"I'm sorry," he stated, loud enough for everyone to hear. Many eyes had turned to watch the exchange between you and the brunet.

"I'm sorry I was jealous," Jay continued. "I'm sorry I didn't trust you. I know Chad isn't a threat-" Chad pouted in the background. "-and I should have listened to you. I... I love you, (y/n)."

A chorus of awws rang through the crowd as a blush stained your cheeks, and you stepped down from your seat to shuffle towards the field. You could see Mal and Evie waving you forward before they stepped aside to give you a minute alone with Jay.

He dropped the microphone and took your hands in his. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay," you nodded, gazing into his eyes. "I'm sorry too."

"Forgive me?" he asked softly, afraid of pushing his luck.

You removed your hands from his, lifting them to rest on either side of his face. You brought him forward, pressing your lips to his. Your friends cheered around you, applauding loudly at your reconciliation.

A grin split your lips as you pulled away. "I love you, too."

Jay beamed, wrapping his arms around your waist and lifting you into the air. You joined Jay, his team, and the girls for pizza and an afterparty, spending the entire evening by Jay's side.

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