Chapter 1

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Chloe's POV: I stand slouched behind the counter at 7-11, drumming my fingers against the hard surface and anxiously checking the time. Tucking a strand of my golden hair behind my ear, I look out at the empty abyss of a store and sigh. My shift is practically over, and I can't wait to get out of here. ⁣

Just as I'm thinking that, the bell above the door rings as an attractive boy around my age wanders in. I blush, and instantly stand up straighter as we make eye contact. He smiles at me, his brown eyes crinkling upwards, and gives me a small wave. I smile back shyly and then look away. Fiddling with my bracelet, I'm hyper aware of his presence in the store as he picks out a few items. I steal another glance at him, and he catches me looking at him and smirks. He walks up to the counter and puts down a can of Dr. Pepper and some bags of candy. ⁣

"You like what you see....," he squints and reads my name tag, "Chloe?" ⁣

I look into his deep brown eyes and his messy hair, fantasizing about running my fingers through it. My eyes trail down the rest of him, taking in his good figure. I decide to be perfectly honest. ⁣

"Maybe just a little." ⁣

He grins at me, flashing a winning smile. "I'm Zach. It's nice to meet you." ⁣

Zach.... he does look kind of familiar. As I ring up his items, I struggle to think of where I might have seen him before. I come up blank. ⁣

"You look really familiar, Zach. I don't see how I could ever forget a face like yours." ⁣

He lights up at the compliment, and grins deviously when he realizes I don't know who he is. I flush. ⁣

"What?! Are you famous or something?" ⁣

"I'll never tell." His eyes twinkle mischievously. He leans across the counter and places his hands in front of mine, face down. I stare intently at him, trying to place his face. ⁣

"You're staring." ⁣

"Shut up, I know."⁣

"Give me your phone." ⁣

I hand him my phone, unsure of what's happening. He snaps a quick selfie of us before I even have time to react and hands me back my phone. ⁣

"Zach! I look gross in this uniform." ⁣

He frowns. "No, you look great." ⁣

I smile. "Flirty, are we?" ⁣

His eyes trail my body and finally meet mine. "Guilty as charged." ⁣

Before I can think of a response, his phone starts to ring. Glancing at the screen, he mouths "sorry!" and takes the call. ⁣

"Jack! Not now bro!" He listens to the phone and shakes his head. Jack.... and Zach. Oh my god. I know them. It's the members of Why Don't We. How could I be so stupid? My eyes start to widen and Zach can see me starting to freak out from the corner of his eye. He seems to realize that I finally recognize him and snorts. Zach takes his bag and puts the phone down for a second. ⁣

"Listen, Chloe. I've gotta run I'm so sorry. I'll see you around, okay?" ⁣

"I- you're Zach Herron!" ⁣

"You finally figured it out I'm impressed." He winks and starts to walk out the door. ⁣

I blink, trying to process it all. "Zach, wait!" ⁣

But it was too late. The door slammed shut as I wondered if I would ever see him again. ⁣

Hooked on Him - Zach HerronМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя