Chapter 9: Reunited

Start from the beginning

"Blame me for what?"

"For what happened between all of us, my almost death experience, and the fact that you look exactly like my ex-boyfriend,"

"Well even if you don't blame me, I still blame myself for almost killing you. And I also blame myself for hurting you so badly. It was never intended and I would never have let you go near that cliff if I knew it was going to almost kill you. Oh, and I guess part of me is sorry for what my clone did to you. He's an idiot for letting you go. But I can't exactly speak for him,"

I sighed, "Justin, I knew you, or umm rather the Justin I know back home, was going to break my heart at some point. Or at least deep down I predicted that it would happen. Don't get me wrong, I was completely blindsided when it happened, but I should have seen it coming. Look, I don't exactly want to get into the details or think about it really. Part of me is still wounded by it and it still stings when I think about it. It was really messy and I lost my best friend. So for now, don't worry about it. Maybe one day, I'll patch things up with him," I turned to face him and I stopped walking "So as for everything else, no I do not blame you one bit for anything you just said. I could never be mad at you for any of it. Literally, none of it was your fault. Certainly not the part your clone did. The cliff gave way because of the amount of weight that was on it. There was nothing you could've done to stop it. So please don't blame yourself. So uh yeah, that's all I wanted you to know," I said as I turned away from him and continued walking.

"That ok, yeah," said Justin as he caught up with me and rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

Laughing I said, "What did you think I was gonna do? Murder you or something?"

"Actually yes. I didn't know what to expect and then you lead me out here to the middle of the woods. I was pretty scared for a second," he said laughing

"Well, I didn't kill you so you should be happy." I said with a small smile before turning around so my back was to him, "You know, you remind me of my Justin a lot. It's a bit scary, but I shouldn't be surprised since you're clones and all,"

"I do? How so?"

"I don't know. You just do. You also have the same sort of humour because my Justin would've said something along the same lines,"

"Really? Huh, interesting. Do you think we should start heading back? The suns beginning to set and I really don't need to give Zoran another reason to be mad at me,"

I turned around and laughed, "Oh really? I'll talk to Zoran in the morning. He is known to be overdramatic sometimes,"

"Really? I hadn't noticed," Justin said sarcastically. We walked back together getting to know each other better. While I knew my Justin back home and they were very similar, this Justin was still his own person and I wanted to know him.

I stopped walking when we reached the entrance of the camp, "Alright. Well, I'm going to go to bed. Unlike the rest of you, I've been working all day. So see you in the morning?"

"Yeah. See you in the morning," he said as he walked towards the mess hall. I smiled to myself happy that I had fixed whatever weird tension that was between us. I walked into my tent, collapsed into bed, and fell asleep in seconds.

The next morning I woke up early and with a plan. I was going to show everyone what I had learned during my time here. Well, aside from the fact that I can turn into a bird part. I'll save that for later. It'll be a lot of fun to see their faces, I thought as I changed into my military uniform and put my hair up in a high ponytail. Afterwards, I headed towards the mess hall tent for some breakfast. The mess hall was a large white tent with long tables inside of it. I got my food and sat down. I said 'good morning' to those who were already awake and they bid me good morning and some saluted. Zoran then walked in as I sat down. He made a beeline towards me.

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