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"Ow, sonofabit-hHEEEYYY CAP HOW'S IT GOIN'?!" Peter yelled, not wanting to add yet another quarter to the 'no swearing' jar that Steve had put in place- they'd already had to clean it out twice. They'd had it two weeks!!!! Steve raised a delicate eyebrow and gazed at Peter unamused, "I'm alright Peter, thank you for asking.." Peter's hand then decided that it was a good idea to cramp up and make Peter squeal like a dying cat from shock and pain. Steve immediately ran to him and took in peter's grimace.
"What happened Peter? Are you injured? What hurts? How did you hurt yourself? When were you going to tell one of us?" He asked in rapid fire. Peter groaned in response, "I fell and landed on my hand. My hand hurts. My wrist bent backwards, and I was going to tell you.. probably.. at some point..?" Steve glared at him with disappointed eyes that one might give their naughty, clumsy child- in this case: Peter. He sighed, "What have we said when it comes to telling us when you're injured, it's like the vulture all over again!" He knew it was a low blow but sometimes it took them to get through to the determined boy. Peter hung his head and mumbled, "that I need to tell either you or D-Tony as quickly as possible..." He rolled his eyes and added quickly, "but I've got super healing! It'll be gone in a few hours so what's the point in telling you?"
Steve sighed again but continued to make sure peter's hand wasn't badly damaged.
"You'll be fine, it's just a sore bruise- it'll be gone within the hour," He fixed Peter with a stern look, "but that doesn't mean that you don't tell us, ok? We only want to protect you." He places his hands on peter's shoulder and looked him dead in the eye, "We care about you Pete? And as the youngest we all take it upon ourselves to protect you- but to do that you need to tell us if something has happened. Even if it is just a sore bruise or a stab wound, it's important to us, alright?"
Peter looked at Steve like a child who has been scolded (which kinda made sense since he was a child, and Steve had just scolded him) and sighed.
"Alright. Alright. You got me,Cap, I'll tell you."
Happy, Steve patted Peter on the shoulder and walked from the room, unaware of the knowing smile that grew on peter's face as he left. "Such a mother hen..." he chuckled and walked off to find Tony. 

A.N thank you for reading, I don't own marvel or the artwork used for this story, just the one shots written, have a nice day 🤪👍❤️

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