Final Chapter: Domestic

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Being of legal age, Bum no longer had any legal need for guardianship after the case ended, but your parents took him in all the same. They wouldn't allow the two of you to share sleeping space- not two rambunctious teenagers in love- so they shelled out for a small apartment for Bum to stay in until he could support himself. This was because of the incident that occurred only a short while after...

The incarceration of his uncle had unfortunately set off a rapid decline in his grandmother's health, ultimately resulting in her passing. Singlehandedly, you had managed to rob Bum of his entire remaining family in one fell swoop. Even if it resulted in a much better life for him, was it really your decision to make? Deep down you had to wonder if he resented you for it, if he found you manipulative and was afraid to leave you because of it.

Quite some time had passed since that fateful day. After months of begging your parents, they finally allowed you to move in with Bum as you attended college together. There were bumps along the way. Here and there you made friends that didn't like him... so you made new ones. Yet even the ones who seemed to get along with him were convinced you'd disappear one day, and Yoon Bum would be the one responsible. However, you felt exactly the opposite. If anything, you would be more likely to kidnap Bum and keep him tightly bundled up in your room where you'd shower him with affection, making sure he would receive nothing but love from the outside world. You couldn't help but smirk at the mental image of Yoon Bum wrapped snugly in a veritable sushi-roll of blankets as you fed him his favorite snacks.

It wasn't always easy, picking up the pieces of your beloved's broken life. There were times his insecurities about your relationship would poke at your patience. It seemed like no matter how much time passed, he could still convince himself that you would leave him, that you were way too good for him and it was only a matter of time before you realized it. On a brighter note, it did feel as though you were getting through to him. He was smiling a lot more often nowadays, much to your delight.

'There's no way he's afraid of me. Look at that sweet smile. He must be happy.'  You told yourself when you entered the apartment and he blithely greeted you at the door like a puppy.

"How was your day, F/N?" He attentively took your coat.

"Fine, sweetheart. How was yours?" You saw him tuck his chin bashfully and you smiled. You had taken to mixing up his little terms of endearment. If you interspersed them enough, Bum would still blush in surprise at each one.

"Good. I got off early today so I cooked dinner."

"Aw! You're the best boyfriend ever." You gave him a peck on the cheek and he definitely blushed this time. You sat down at the little table just big enough for the two of you as he shuffled around the stove, adorned in the apron you bought him with the words 'Kiss the Cook' written across the front. He wore it much more often than you felt it was warranted. When you inquired about it one day, he answered, "Well... I-it wouldn't hurt to remind you to kiss me, right? Like... if you forget you love me or something..." After that you made sure to lavish him in plenty of kisses, apron or no apron. If you couldn't make him wealthy by societal standards, you would still always make sure Bum would be rich in love.

"I'm making a stew that grandma used to make." He said with a glowing smile, ecstatic to be of use to the one he loves and cherishes so. But his words brought back that familiar guilt in your gut. It was driving you crazy, so you decided to put your paranoia to rest and just ask him straight out. He lovingly placed the thick hearty stew on the table and sat down. He gave you your bowl first; he always served you first.

"Bum... there's been something I've been wanting to ask you for a while."

"Really? What is it?" He stirred the food with his spoon but didn't take a bite.

"I've been thinking a lot about what I did to your family... and I was wondering if you are mad at me about it..."

"Of course not!" He exclaimed passionately. "You spared me so much abuse. If anything, I'm grateful. You're my family now. I love you."

"I love you too." You sighed in relief, taking a considerable portion of stew onto your spoon. Bum perched himself on the edge of his seat expectantly.

"How's your food?" He asked.

"Hm... It's a little salty..."

The End

AAAAHHHAHAHA! Cliffhanger ending! Did Bum poison you?! Of course not. He loves you, right? RIGHT?!

Okay, I was a little worried you all would hate this ending, but I decided to write it anyway. This is Killing Stalking, after all. Maybe Bum was just daydreaming about you and spilled the salt into the stew. So this ending is as happy or dark as you want it to be. I had so much fun writing this one and I'm sad to see it come to an end. I hope you all enjoyed it as well.

For those of you who still have a Yoon Bum craving, I have other stories posted about him; my most notable one being Mindfuckery, where Bum goes full yandere mode and kidnaps the reader. Hop aboard the angst train. Choo Choo! And who knows, I might even bless us with a happy ending. (As much as I enjoyed writing this one, I believe the other story is truly my best work.)

One last thing: since this got so long I was forced to cut several cute scenes. So I will likely be adding them to my Oneshot book later on. Thank you all so much for reading!

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