Chapter 6: Flammable

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Bum may or may not be hospitalized by the end of this chapter.

Chapter 6: Flammable

'Bum's drunk?!' You couldn't help but gawk at him in disbelief for a moment. You quickly poured the punch in your hand down the sink, politely wiggling yourself out of his arms to do so. It initially struck you as odd that he was able to get that intoxicated in the short time you were apart from him. But then you remembered his lightweight body and nonexistent tolerance of the stuff and realized that it made sense. One shot of anything would probably knock this boy off his balance.

You wouldn't judge him for this though. He deserved a night to cut loose and have fun. Although you hadn't anticipated him pursuing that kind of fun. In your own mind, if his score on the innocence scale was a perfect ten before, it just dropped to a nine. But even under the influence his behavior was sweet and entertaining.

But then... why were you so unhappy?

A moment ago he had been nuzzling you with such affection that you had trouble finding the desire to stop him. His embrace was abrupt, yes, but it was something you had been half-anticipating since Valentines Day. ...Had you been expecting a confession? You grimaced to yourself. 'Oh... So he's only doing this because he's drunk then...'  You concluded. 'I bet anyone looks attractive to him if he drinks enough...'  You sighed and turned back towards the snack table. This situation was downright insulting, humiliating in fact. You briefly wondered how many girls he chased first before he got to you. 'That's probably what he was doing while I was looking for him...'

It was now that you wondered when you had started developing feelings for him. He wasn't necessarily that attractive per say... except for his absolutely unrivaled sweet smile and boyish round face... not to mention he had a lovely little back seat that looked fantastic in the jeans you just bought him.

"WHOO! AHAH!" Loud whoops and hollers from the other room snapped you out of your thoughts. With a hand on Bum's lower back, you guided him into the living room.

"What's going on?" You asked.

"Truth or dare! Why don't you join us?" Yong-Sun, the quintessential meat-headed jock, offered.

"That sounds fun!" Yoon Bum exclaimed loudly, to your immense surprise. He glanced over to you briefly to see if his charade was coming off as believable.

"Holy crap, is Yoon Bum drunk?!" Someone exclaimed. 'Well at least somebody believes it.'

"Seems that way." You shrugged and approached the couch.

"Well, if it isn't beauty and the beast..." The girl next to you said cruelly and you saw Bum physically recoil.

"Hey, that isn't very nice." You tilted your head at her. "...Surely I'm not that ugly." A few party members snickered and the girl rolled her eyes. 'Bitch, you might find some ipecac in your drink later if you don't zip it.'

Without enough room on the cushions, Yoon Bum just perched next to you on the arm of the couch, which he was small enough to fit comfortably on.

"Since you all just joined, I'll ask you one first." Yong-Sun said. "Truth or dare, F/N?"

"I'll start with truth."

"Alright. What's do you think is the number one destroyer of relationships?"

"Hm..." You pondered that a moment and Bum intensely awaited your answer. "...Monopoly."

"What?!" Everyone started laughing.

Yoon Bum x Reader: In-JusticeWhere stories live. Discover now