Chapter 7: An Unexpected Houseguest

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*Grins wickedly* I had soooo much fun writing this chapter.

Chapter 7: An Unexpected Houseguest

You yawned and stretched your arms, waiting patiently. You had finished your homework before you left school today so you were free to relax. As you expected, it wasn't too long before the adorable creature peeked its head out from behind a tree in your backyard. Very recently a local stray cat had taken a liking to you (or much more likely, your food), and you'd gotten in the habit of feeding it after school. It cautiously approached, finally scarfing the bowl of food sitting a few feet away from where you were sitting.

"You were hungry, huh?" You softly spoke to it, hoping to slowly get it used to your voice.

'She's so sweet.'  Yoon Bum thought with an affectionate smile, peeking at you through a crack in the tall wooden fence. 'So caring... I love how caring she is.'  It was all he could do to not giggle with delight when he heard you start making cat noises, holding a whimsical conversation with the animal. This was so cute and priceless that he felt annoyed at himself for not doing this sooner. Unassuming candid you was his favorite you. ...Okay, the version of you that dotes on him was actually his favorite, but this was a very close second.

He was enamored, plain and simple. However, this situation was so much different than the crushes in his past. Without the constant fear of you leaving him, he was able to fully enjoy the euphoria- he relished in it. Bum had complete faith in the integrity of your character. He would never doubt your loyalty or expect pettiness from you... not to mention you seemed to possess an insanely oversized stockpile of forgiveness when it came to him. He had no idea where on earth it came from nor what he'd done to warrant it, but who was he to question his blessings?

Get this: Earlier this morning Bum had panicked upon noticing you had some of your school supplies back. He knew there was only one place you could have found them... his desk.

"Y-your... uhm... that..." He stuttered, trying to think of any excuse for having blatantly hijacked your things.

"Oh. Yeah, I forgot to thank you for finding my stuff. Thanks."

"Ah..." 'She doesn't think I stole them?'  "Uhm... You're welcome..."

Lady luck was just pouring the nectar of the gods on him lately it seemed. Aphrodite too. They must have both gotten drunk one night and said, 'Hey, let's just drop our gifts on that one skinny kid over there.'  It seemed as logical an explanation as any, so he decided to just shrug and take the win. But suddenly a noise from out front startled him, causing him to stumble clumsily towards the house, lodging his small form between the heating unit and a pile of spider-infested firewood.

"Oof!" He quickly clasped his hands over his mouth, wishing he could take back the sound. But to his horror, he heard your approaching footsteps in the grass and his breathing stopped when he saw the gate latch unhinge. The gate swung open. 'I'm toast! She's going to see me!'

"Hello?" You asked, and he shut his eyes tightly, certain he'd been discovered.

"F/N?" A voice called from the front yard and he heard your footsteps get quieter. He was brave enough to peek his eyes open, only to see your back, walking towards the voice. A wave of relief washed over him. He thanked every possible deity in existence for that stroke of luck, but his instinct told him it was time to leave now.

Yoon Bum x Reader: In-JusticeWhere stories live. Discover now