Chapter 5: A Drunken Duplicity

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Finally a chapter where the fun creepy stuff and plot combine.

Fun Easter egg: In Korea, the name Joon loosely translates to talented or handsome and Ki is someone who has arisen. So basically his name means an exceptionally talented and handsome person who has arisen in the story. I meant it to be a clear and quite literal indication of competition for Yoon Bum.

Lesson: Don't make Yoon Bum jealous.

Chapter 5: A Drunken Duplicity

"It was your birthday and you didn't tell me?!" You gawked at Yoon Bum's tiny frame. You had an ordinary dinner with his family last night and he didn't think to tell you that it was his birthday. 'Ridiculous!'

"It didn't seem important." He blinked at you in confusion. Its not like anyone had ever celebrated the anniversary of his expulsion from the womb. It almost seemed like a day to be damned based on how many people detested his very existence. You huffed in vexation.

"C'mon. I'm taking you shopping."

"B-but I don't h-have any-"

"I'm buying." You insisted, ignoring his flailing attempts to object. His grandmother appeared thoroughly entertained by Bum's blushful noodle-y demeanor as you swept him toward the front door. You turned to her and his uncle with a mischievous smile. "On behalf of his birthday, I'm going to force Bum to stay out late tonight whether he likes it or not. You can beat me up later for it if you want." You and granny laughed in unison as the door slammed, but Bum's expression was painted with absolute dread.

"Where are we going?" He asked as you strolled confidently down the sidewalk.

"The mall. I'll help you pick you out an outfit for the party tonight."

"Party?" He tilted his head.

'Oh yeah. I forgot that Bum isn't usually invited to these kinds of things...'


The mall was crowded, as you expected; it was Saturday. You figured after a few days being sick, Yoon Bum needed to get out of the house a little. So you made it your mission to show him a good time tonight. As a firm believer in the motto 'dress for success', you started searching for his new ensemble in the formal section of a preppy rich boy store. Most of the things you'd seen him wear, aside from his school uniform, seemed to be at least three sizes too large. You imagined they must have been handed down from his uncle, who had a much huskier build than him.

"Ehh..." Bum shakily objected. "The Republic of Bananas might be too expensive. Maybe we should try somewhere else."

"Okay... But lets at least check the clearance rack first."

"Mm." He nodded and helped you sort through the fodder of ugly clothes.

"Ooh!" You pulled a simple black button-down shirt off the rack and held it up to his body. "Snazzy. What do you think?"

"It's nice."

"Go try it on then." You walked him back to the dressing room. When he emerged in it, you couldn't help but smile.

"Uhm... what do you think?" He asked coyly. The fit wasn't perfect, but it hung gracefully on his angular shoulders and he filled out the top half of it nicely. Not only that, but the shirt was blacker than the pinnacle of night, and when coupled with his ebony hair and porcelain skin tone, it was very flattering.

"Wow! You look really dapper!" With a style like that, he could escort you to any party on his arm and you wouldn't be the least bit ashamed.

"Thank you..." He blushed at the compliment.

Yoon Bum x Reader: In-JusticeWhere stories live. Discover now