Chapter 8: Cops and Stalkers

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Chapter 8: Cops and Stalkers

All you could do was stare for a moment, Bum's wide eyes locked on yours as your mouth hung open in utter astonishment. You shot a darting glance towards Min Jee, but it appeared that she had vanished from your side. Had she straight up deserted you?! Being alone in this situation suddenly lit a flame of fear.

Seeing you on the ground, Yoon Bum's first instinct was to rush forward and help you up. But in a state of disorientation, he forgot about the drop- and the fact that he was on his knees, not standing- and tumbled out of the shed towards you. As he crawled closer, adrenaline coursed fast through your veins. You used his loss of balance as an opportunity, turning on him like a wild animal. You lunged forward, thrusting his arm behind him, and used your weight to force the raven-haired boy into the dirt.

"AH!" He felt your knee dig into his bony spine and went down without a fight. He had seen the flicker of fear and disgust on your face before you tackled him and in that moment lost all ability to form words.

"What the hell were you doing in my shed?!" You barked at him, gripping onto him like your life depended on it.

"I'm s-sorry! I'm so sorry!" He sniveled, tears beginning to flow from his eyes. The position you were holding him in was hardly painful, but the harsh verdict in your voice was like a knife straight through his heart. "I can explain! Please!"

Why was he here, you wondered. What could he have possibly intended to do? What would he have done if you hadn't brought Min Jee with you? You felt something against your other leg, cold and hard. A weapon perhaps? You knew he wouldn't be able to threaten you with his physical stature alone, so that was the only possible explanation.

"What's in your pocket, HUH?!"

"AGH!" You thrashed him around so you could pull out the sleek item. It was only his phone. Bumping it around had caused the screen to light up, revealing a sweet picture of you and him together. Against your will, you felt a familiar tingling warmth fill your stomach, turning you soft. 'Goddammit, Bum...'  You sighed, loosening your grip on him considerably.

It began to fester in your mind that maybe he wasn't here to attack you. That perhaps he himself was hiding from something. You remembered that missing puzzle piece, the great enigma that was this teen's home life. You bit your lip in hesitation as he cried out apologies. Had you just grossly overreacted, throwing a gentle innocent boy face-down on the ground? The very thought mortified you. But you were still suspicious. You had to know for sure.

"Bum... I'll give you a chance to explain."

"Really?!" His face lit up and he looked back at you over his shoulder. "You're so wonderful, F/N, thank you!"

"But you have to not move, okay? I need to check something." He nodded but you still hesitated to free him. "...There's no point in you running anyway. I know where you live." He gulped at the threat and held perfectly still. When you released him, he made sure to even leave his arm in the uncomfortable position you had it in, hoping to earn brownie points for the strictest obedience. You shuffled through the contents of the shed. You were looking for anything; chloroform, a rag, a blunt object of any sort... 'Nothing.'  Not only that, but even your shovel, a great potential weapon, remained buried under other heavy equipment. It was clear that he had no intent of using it against you.

It was now that Min Jee returned to your line of sight, running out the back door of your house with a heavy cast-iron skillet.

"The police are on their way."

"WHAT?!" Bum shrieked, turning pale.

"You called the cops?!"

"Yeah. We'll put this creep behind bars." She sneered with pride, yanking the weak young man by the hair. He yelped in pain. "I bet you were going to wait until dark, weren't you, ya psycho!" She accused. "Then you were going to assault F/N, weren't you!!"

Yoon Bum x Reader: In-JusticeWhere stories live. Discover now