11 | Just Jungkook on an Airplane

Start from the beginning

Like the previous lesson, today's ended in total darkness. At night, that means. Around eight. Under the moon. Similarly, oh holly jolly Tae was dropped at his home by Jungkook as an extra service that he almost forgot about him getting scolded by the younger.

Although, as soon as he entered his room to tuck in for the perfect sleep with Jungkook in his dreams, his eyes fell out of their sockets as the innocent pile of incomplete assignments sat on his table like naked Beyoncé.


Surviving the next two tiring days at university with hand-aching notes copied from Kim Seokjin hyung and given to be copied to Jimin, Taehyung left his house to reunite with his latter best friend at the club.

Or for Jungkook alone. Tae was not sure of himself either.

Besides, his parents were off for a 'quick vacation' in Daegu, the family's hometown. Universities have strict attendance checking so taking Tae with them was a bad idea overall. He did not have a nicer option.

The huge, white building opened for club members only stretched out for acres of grounds, leaving Tae in awe.

The security guard, who had previously ignored Taehyung when he was with Jimin as the latter was a member, pointed a snobby finger at the young man this time, calling him forwards.

With fake confidence, Taehyung flashed a membership card to the guard and walked on towards the entrance. Swag checked.

It worked. The membership card he had sneaked from Jimin who thought he had lost it that he reissued a fresh one; the master plan worked.

Only, he should inform Jimin about it now, too.

Therefore, off he gets to scavenge for his best friend, fighting through his hormones as hot boys swarmed around him time to time.

It was the basketball's locker room (apparently empty at first) did he found Jimin in a state with Yoongi which defied every stereotype about quiet boys.

Jimin was slammed against the locker as Yoongi pressed on to him. The shorter figure was moaning softly, his frame even tinier under Yoongi's threateningly close one.

Actually, they were kissing; Tae felt like he was experiencing puberty all over again. Mostly it wasn't the gay passion, it was his best friend.

His best friend was getting kissed and the person was enjoying it.

He dashed out of the room, out of the court and out of the building without a second thought or a glance behind.

He wasn't overreacting, was he? Heck, no! The two people he left behind were most definitely making a porn out of the whole make-out session.

His breathing stretched back to normal once he withdrew thoughts of all possible moves Yoongi hyung could have had up his sleeve for the younger guy.

Well, at least lucky Jimin got the boy.

Finalising on his decision, Taehyung makes his way to Jungkook's apartment, hoping for a warmer welcome.

Wait, no. Scratch that. He already had enough of 'warm' inside the locker room.

Pulling back his golden-brown fringe in his fist, Taehyung trudged along the footpath, uncertain.

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