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Gabriel's laughter turned sour as Cass finished his question.

"As you know, I found dad's and auntie Amara's hidding place and decided to drop by. Auntie Amara said I should stay and talk. After an awkward amount of silence, i decided to joke around. One joke in particular was giving these two knuckleheads a kid that they would have to take care of. Oddly enough, dad seemed to like it and said, 'I have an idea' so I knew he was going to give you a kid. Little did I know that I was going to be the kid you had to take care of. If Luci hadn't felt my grace shrink you would have had to deal with that mess for a lot longer." Gabriel explained.

"Well, thank you Lucifer," Dean said, "for saving us from an angel baby. Who knows what you could've done." Dean said look strait at Gabriel. Gabriel smiled and grabbed everyone a beer.

"To never knowing what that catastrophe could've turned out to be." Gabriel said as they all raised a glass.

The Brother's Trials: Gabriel's JokeWhere stories live. Discover now