The Discovery

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Chuck and Amara were discovered hiding out in an extremely secluded part of the Amazon Rainforest by none other than the trickster, Gabriel. Gabriel, upon seeing his aunt and father still on Earth, uttered three words, "What the heck?"

"Oh boy." Chuck breathed at the sight of his son. Amara looked up at Gabriel with an odd look in her eye. "Gabriel," she spoke, "come closer, sit, stay awhile. Tell us of the Winchesters and the angel they hold onto so dearly. Also speak of the newest nephilim, Jack."

Gabriel explained to Amara and his father of the many things the Winchesters have done, including saving him, since their supposed "vacation" from Earth. He also described how Jack was with the knowledge he had collected. He had also mentioned multiple times the many things that had occured with Mary Winchester, Asmodeus, and Ketch. He also explained the sad tragedy that had befallen Donatelo.

After an awkward amount of scilence Gabriel believed it was a good time to start making jokes and innuendos about many, many things.

After a short while Gabriel made a joke that he would later regret thinking up.

The Brother's Trials: Gabriel's JokeWhere stories live. Discover now