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It's a been a week since I beat that bitch Alexis up. Things have been the same for me, my life is back to normal. Jameer went back to Miami but not before talking to me.

"Umm just came to talk shit out" He said as he sat on my bed.

"Well talk then" I said while standing in front of him. He looked at me before pulling me on him. I tried to get up but I couldn't.

"Can you let me go, I'm sure your wife would like that." I said. He looked at me than began speaking.

"I'm sorry okay. I never thought shot would end up like this between us" He said while putting his hand on my thigh. Who the fuck does he think he is.

"What you'd think I was just gonna get over shit and run back in your arms. That's not how shit works Iman."

"I know that syn, and that's not what I expected. I knew I hurt you, but I didn't think that was gonna stop us from being together. I still wanted you to be my wife, and the mother of my kids." He said. I looked at him and rolled my eyes.

"Well now you have that, you have all of that. A wife, kids, so just leave me alone because there's never gonna be nothing between us. You made your mind and you made your bed so now you can lye in it." I said, he finally let me go and I got up going into my bathroom slamming the door behind me. When I came out he was gone.

I meant what I said. I still love the hell out of Jameer but what is done is done. There's no changing it. Meme started talking to Jameer and they talk everyday. I love their relationship and I want them to continue to grow. I however, haven't spoke to Jameer since that night. I don't plan on talking to him unless its about meme.

"Maaaaa" Meme called. This girl always calling me, I need a vacation.

"Whaattt?" I asked. She walked in my room smiling.

"My dad said he's coming down here next week for business and wants to see me. Can he?" She asked. I thought I wasn't going to have to see him again for awhile.

"Yeah baby, you don't have to ask me to see your dad. Just let me know so I know your with him." I said before laying back down. I just got off work, and I'm tired as hell. I just want to sleep.

"Okay, ma you not cooking? I'm hungry." She said while looking at me.

"Meme I'm tired. Your old enough to cook now, go make something." I said.

"Mamaaa" She whined, I looked at her and she sucked her teeth walking downstairs.

Jameer POV

"So you telling me she been down there the whole time?" Asked Major. After all these years Major is my day one. That's my dog fasho. Him and Milan are doing great, married with two kids.

"Yeah man, shit crazy. I'm just glad I got to reunite with my daughter. My family is complete now." I said. He nodded his head.

"I feel ya, but Milan is going to be pissed about that. You know I told you how Milan tried to contact her so many times but Syn just wasn't having that. My baby was mad hurt over that shit. I'm glad she's past it but I know once she knows about this she's going to flip."

"Yeah I already know how Milan is. I'm going back down there next week actually. I got some business to handle, and I also want to spend some time with my daughter." I said while laying back smoking my blunt. Me and Major had been sitting here smoking and talking for the last hour.

"That's good man, I'm happy for you. How's Lex taking everything though?" He asked. I blew out the smoke I was holding in my mouth.

"To be honest, I haven't told her anything. I already know how Alexis is and I know she's going to take all this shit out me. I already got to deal with this shit between Syn, I don't want to have to deal with in my home. I already know how that shit gon go." I said. Alexis is going to flip out when I tell her, that's why I've been avoiding that shit like crazy.

"Well she didn't notice that was Syn when Syn jumped on her?" He asked looking confused.

"Nah, and I just told her I didn't know who the girl was. She believed me because she know I never been to Jamaica. Plus Syn Figure done completely changed. When I tell you Syn So damn thick man, she not the syn you last saw. Her body had me hypnotized bruh. Damn" I said thinking about her body. I never thought Syn would be that thick, but I guess time does change you.

"Damn, over there thinking bout your baby mama and shit. Alexis gonna kill yo ass." He said while laughing.

"It ain't even like that b" I said while looking off in space. Just thinking.

"Mannn, you can't put on that front with me. I know you still love Syn crazy ass." He said while smoking the blunt.

"This shit just confusing me. Before she came back in the picture I was head strong about being in love with Lex. Now I'm just confused as hell because I'm over here wanting syn. It's like all those feelings came back." I said.

"Sounds like Alexis was just a rebound who happened to be promoted to the wifey position. Your heart is really with Syn my dude." He said while patting my shoulder.

"I don't know man. I just don't want to lose my kids to this shit. I don't want to break Alexis heart, and I don't want to heart Syn again." I said.

"Man you gonna have to figure this out, because this shit is only about to get worse for you. Especially if Alexis finds out." He said. I just sat back thinking about my next move.

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