Entwined 59

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Laurel had been preparing the memory elixir for David for months. She had been reluctant to do it; to wipe her best friend's memories of her, faeries, and basically all of his high school years, but after much encouragement from Tam that they owed it to him if he wanted a regular life, she had made the elixir.

Laurel rang his doorbell and he answered.

"Hello Laurel, Tamani."

"Hi David." Laurel and Tam replied

They walked inside and David asked, "You brought the elixir?"

Laurel nodded.

He reached out his hand and took the elixir.

"Bye Laurel. Bye Tamani. You'll always be in my heart even if I have forgotten you. I love you guys." He raised the drink to his lips, and Laurel couldn't bear to look. She buried her head into Tamani's shirt.

"Bye David. We'll always love you."

David looked back, and saw how Laurel was crying. Just as the first drop was about to enter his mouth, he tilt the elixir back so that he couldn't drink it. He dropped the potion on the floor and the vial crashed and the contents spilled on the rug.

He ran over and hugged Laurel and Tamani.

"Oh. David! Why?" Laurel squeezed him tightly.

"I realized that by doing it, I was causing you more pain than I am enduring. And also that by doing this, I was not only erasing the bad memories that haunt me, but the best moments in my life. The moments I spent with you guys." David smiled and both Tamani and Laurel smiled back.

David notified Chelsea, who now lived in Florida- married with a baby on the way- that he was not going to erase his memories, and that she was able to do whatever she wanted with the 1000 page book.

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