Chapter 18: ...Our First Fight

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Ash's P.O.V

It all happened in a flash. One minute I'm waiting for JJ by the Ferris wheel. The next my lips are pressed against some girl's. She approached me a little bit after JJ left and tried to strike up a conversation, but I just ignored her. I didn't want to talk to her because I felt like I would be cheating on JJ and I would never do that.

She didn't like that I wouldn't talk to her so she did something she thought would make me. She placed her hand on my hip and pulled me towards her. I snapped my head to hers and my eyes widened when I realized how close to me she was. "You can't ignore me forever, gorgeous. I'll get you to talk to me one way or another." She husked into my ear before attaching her lips to mine. I tried to push her away, but she pinned my arms to my side then bit my lip making me let out an involuntary moan.

"What the hell?!" A voice snarled from beside us making the girl release me.

I looked at JJ who was glaring daggers at me and the other girl. "JJ, babe, it's not what it looks like." She ignored me and walked up to the girl before squeezing her wrist and whispering something in her ear that made her face pale so she quickly left the situation. I looked back at JJ who was still glaring daggers at the girl. I thought she knew what happened, but I was proven wrong in a matter of seconds. "I don't know what you said, but thank you." I interlaced our hands together.

"Don't touch me." She spat, voice laced with venom and snatching her hand away. She turned and stormed off leaving me standing stunned by the Ferris wheel. I tried to follow her, but got lost in the crowd that was slowly starting to form.

When I finally made it to the parking lot I saw that JJ had ditched me. Then I remembered that we carpooled to work together and my car was at her house. Along with my keys. I sighed. "Looks like I'm taking a cab."

The time spent waiting for the cab wasn't long, but it was cold and eerily quiet. I felt like someone was watching me, but I was probably just being paranoid. Nevertheless, I was entirely grateful when the cab arrived seconds after I checked to see if anyone was behind me. I got in, told him the address and just stared out the window until we arrived.


I threw the spare key back into its hiding place and quietly shut the door behind me so as not to wake up Henry. "How did you get in here? I moved the key." JJ said from behind me making me jump.

I turned to her and laughed. "JJ, I'm a profiler. It's not that hard to figure out where you would move the key to." That was clearly the wrong thing to say.

"Oh, so now you're calling me stupid?"

"That's not what I said. Don't twist my words." I said getting angry. Where was she getting this stuff from? Why was she acting like this? What did I do that was so bad to make her act like this?

"You may as well have since that's what you think I am."

"I've never thought that! So why on earth would I say it? That makes no sense!"

"Sure you wouldn't." She rolled her eyes and turned away from me.

"Where is all this coming from?!"

She glared at me. "I saw you kiss another girl!"

"I didn't kiss her! She kissed me!" I felt the tears welling up in my eyes, but I held them back. I wasn't gonna cry in front of her. Not now. No matter how pissed I was. No matter how hurt I was at the words coming out of her mouth. I wasn't gonna let the tears fall.

"You kissed back! I saw it! I saw as she..." her voice trailed off as her words registered in my head. She saw me kiss back. But I never kissed back. She didn't see everything that happened. Not when I tried to push the girl away because I was in love with her. Not when I ignored the girl the whole time she was talking to me. She didn't see anything I did to protect our relationship. "You're not even listening to me!" She yelled bringing me back to reality. "I wish me and you had never even met."

As she said that I realized that my head was down and the tears were in the corner of my eyes. I wanted to hold them back, but I couldn't. I tried, but I couldn't. I didn't have the strength to hold them back anymore. I looked up at her just as the first tear fell. "Fine, if that's what you want."

I snatched my keys off the coffee table and I ran outside slamming the door behind me no longer caring who hears. I raced to my car and jumped in before letting the rest of my tears flow. A sob escaped my lips as I drove away and I knew in this moment what true heartbreak felt like. The girl I love just doubted our relationship to my face and kicked me out. Out of her house, out of her life, out of everything. She wanted me to stay away.

So that's what I did.

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