Written on the walls

Start from the beginning

It was empty,yet it spoke volumes. The room exactly what she dreamed of, with every wall covered in books. She stepped into the office part of the room. The stairs swirled around itself on her left. Rows of bookshelves moved backwards with a grand piano sat in the centre. The whole room made of brown oak, just how she wanted. Yet something was contrastingly different.

Every wall, every inch of space was covered in photographs and post it notes. It was the first time in two years she felt a silver of hope. It couldn't be, she thought to herself. Her hand covered her mouth out of shock. Her heartbeats were erratic. Her ears rung, and tears fell heavy and painfully from her puffy red eyes.

She traced every post it reading the labels, each one outlining the memory with something either of them had said that day. She walked up the spiral staircase where images from their time as adults and wedding were posted. The pictures he took when she wasn't looking and in her sleep. The look of someone contempt and happy. Someone who had a fulfilling life. The floor was unrecognisable with papers floating like a moving river.

Her body shook from the tremors. She gasped out desperately fighting for air like a fish out of water. Her vision blurry as she carried herself by holding onto the passing shelves. She headed deeper in. Her hands felt familiarity in each step. Her aim was one zoned into one place. It was beginning to feel like eternity. She was headed to the last hidden place in the room.

The wind blew over Jaxon as he stood with his eyes closed. He could only hope that she would return, that she would come today. It was the feeling of loss and emptiness which consumed him. Guilt for what he put her through. But mostly anger for having no control over the whole situation. And for the first time since the beginning of the end he clutched his shirt above his heart as he felt searing daggers puncturing it. He felt the fall of silent crushing tears. The heightened feeling of the first drops of rain, all working to consume him. His own hell.

She shivered. Coming to a halt she good see his figure through the wildly flowing curtains. And for the first time she saw a broken man. His hand wrapped tightly around the railing, his body erratically rising with each intake of breath as he stood under the first falls of rain. It killed.

He felt her before seeing her. The touch of a small frail hand on his shoulder which shook, turning him towards her. For the first time he let all his emotions show, showing how much of a broken man he was. Without her. He saw the inner battle in her eyes. Her concern, her hurt yet the overwhelming lack of anything as she fought to show she no longer felt. That she was dead. Gone.

She saw it, the slight stumble back he took as she tried to mask her feelings. The way he sucked in a breath, as surprise and defeat took over his features. His hazel eyes had lost their flecks of blue. His full lips trembled. Hands in tight fists by his side as he resigned to her. His body became stiff and rigid as he looked away from her eyes.

Her eyes were haunting him. The same shade of vibrant green, her full lips and button nose. He couldn't look, couldn't handle the torrent of pain. The need to hold her once going in his arms. She looked like the shell of the person he knew. The Freddie he loved. The feeling of a soft warm hand on his cheek had him close his eyes.


He felt the quiver in her voice travel to the pits of his heart. The sound of a broken woman. His broken woman. Opening his eyes he looked at her. Really looked at her, taking in the twitch of disbelief, a silver of hope and heartbreak. He took her into his arms. Her body shook hard against his, her haunting sobs ricocheting off his chest into the rain. Her hands thrashed against him before falling limp. He held her, crushing her to him like a man returning from the grasps of death, he held her up running a hand through her, as his tears fell. He rocked them, shushing her trying to sooth her.

"I'm so sorry, so sorry mama."

He breathed in her scent. Felt every curve of her body against his. The heat from her hands that were snakes around him. He loved how fit into him. How she felt like home. Pulling away a fraction he kissed her.

Freddie breathed into the kiss, her hands clawed at his shirt that stuck to his body from the falling rain. She felt their tears mix as he slanted his face for more access. One hand cradled her cheek whilst the other held her upright around her waist against him.

The need to feel her again consumed him. Pulling apart he rested his forehead against her eyes closed. He felt the hand rub his chest. Sighing he kissed her nose, and lips once again. Opening his eyes, he hoisted her up. Long lean legs wrapped around him, hands circles his neck as he carried her in from the rain.

Her hands ran up and down his back, he peppered kisses down her neck making her arch into him. He walked them, out the library, down the stairs to the living room. Gently laying her on the fur rug by the fire, he grabbed the throw on the sofa and turned on the fire. Moving behind her he pulled her closer, warming them up from the heat. Purposely he let his breathing hit her neck, traveling down, leaving a kiss at the base. She moved giving him more access as she snuggled in closer.

His hands slid up her waist, creeping under her shirt, pulling it up. She surrendered herself to his touch, her hands rose letting him pull it off her. She shivered from the chill that came from the contact of his wet shirt against her back. She turned around, her hands finding the clasp of her bra, undoing it. She stared into his eyes the hunger for her intense. She chewed her lip focusing on taking off a layer of his clothes. Her hands travelled under his shirt, she felt his solid abs and pecks as she took it off, exposing his chocolate skin for her eyes.

His eyes burned into her skin. His lips and hands all over her. She felt the beginning of a fire in the pit of her stomach. The muffled sigh of content escaping from her lips from the familiar felling of his body pressed against her. Hands wrapped around her waist he pulled her over him as he sat. Her hands running up into his hair as she kissed him with all her might. The feeling of her grinding against him pure torture. The feeling of the rough material against her sensitivity sending her senses into over drive.

Jax ran his hands up the curve of her butt and up the middle of her spine, she shuddered as he brought one hand to fondling her breast. Her hands travelled south agonisingly slow as she undid his jeans. Her hand running over his shaft as he fumbled them down his legs with her help.

She broke away from his face as he brought his lips over one of her taught nipples, her head falling back as he teased them in turn, making her let out the softest of moans from the back of her throat. Her hands tugged at his hair keeping him close, as he played all the right strings like she was a guitar. One hand held her close as the other reached down to remove the last barrier that held them away from each other. Undoing her jeans she awkwardly and hurriedly waddled off the denim along with her lace panties, whilst one straddling him.

He felt the slickness from her fold on his knee as no barrier held them away from each other. His appetite for her grew to an insatiable desire. Her hand curled around his back while the other was placed firmly on his chest over his heart. His arms curled around her lower back, pulling her up and close over him.

Freddie hadn't felt so full and complete in what felt like eternity. The size of him filling her to the hilt, causing a slight sting from not having such a feeling in so long. He went slow, filling her inch by inch, grounding her. He pulled her bottom lip into his mouth sucking to let it out with a pop.

Her channel was wet, and searing hot. Stopping he let her accommodate him. He felt a part of him come to a sense of peace he hadn't felt before. Letting one hand travel up, tangling into her hair he pulled her close. Her forehead rested against his, her breasts rubbed against his chest, eyes clashed as breath mingled from desperation urgency. He directed her movements as she rode him to bliss, meeting her every movement.

The subtle moans and groans by the fire turning the moment into something more intimate than they had experienced before. Neither refused to let the others eyes go as if the other would disappear and then moment be a dream in the torture that had been their lives. Their movements became more more frantic as they peaked, climaxing together. Her head falling back exposing her neck. His head falling forward falling  into warm of her cleavage as she tugged at his hair pulling him into her while he muffled his groan of ecstasy into her. They held each other for the next hours to come. Falling asleep in love, knowing that he power of what they have bigger than the forces on earth.

They realised in those moments, that their souls were one. That their love could conquer all. A love the hadn't been seen before.

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