Headcanon #48 (Oumasai)

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1. Who is more affectionate?
Kokichi. Like seriously he can't stop clinging to Saihara.

2.Most common argument?
Why Ouma won't talk about his problems.

3. Who apologizes first?
Shuichi apologizes first because Shuichi basically blames himself for everything. 

4.Favourite (non-sexual) activity?

5. Who drives and who rides shotgun?
Shuichi drives and Ouma rides shotgun. If Ouma drived Shuichi would be fearing for his life.

6. Who is most likely to carry the other?
Shuichi picks up Ouma bridal style, much to Ouma's delight. Shuichi is too heavy for Ouma to carry.

Shuichi for Ouma:
Liar (in a sweet way), Phantom Thief, Kokichi, Ouma-kun
Ouma for Shuichi:
Saihara-chan, Shumai, Mr Detective, Shuichi-chan, Detective

8. Who proposes?
Shuichi proposes to Ouma, who tears up and shows real emotions, not the mask.

9. Who sings along the radio?
Both of them do. Although Ouma can scream loudly if it's one of his favourite songs.

9. Who worries a lot?
Ouma worries a lot although he doesn't like to show it, even to Shuichi sometimes. He usually covers it up with his mask.

10. Who always wants to take selfies with the other?
Ouma. Ouma takes many selfies and sometimes embarrasses the other by taking a photo when they're not expecting.

11. Who likes to playfully tease the other?
I think it's well established Ouma is the one that teases.

12. Who has a weird taste in music?

13. Who remembers what the other one always orders in a restaurant?
Ouma likes to freak Shuichi out by remembering weird things.

14. Who is embarrassed to take their clothes off in front of another?
Shuichi is.

15. Who tops?

16. Who initiates kisses?
Ouma initiates most kisses. Shuichi is often too anxious to kiss Ouma thinking he'll screw this up.

17. Who reaches for the others hand first?
Shuichi does. That is the one thing he can't do without blushing extremely.

18. Who kisses Hardest?

19. Who's ticklish?
Both. Tickle wars are nothing new for them.

20. Who brings an animal they found home?
Ouma would bring any animal home. Whether it'd be a puppy, a snake or a friendly lion. Shuichi isn't happy when he finds out

21. Who holds the umbrella for the other?

22. Who playfully embarrasses the other?
Ouma teases Shuichi often, but a lot less than others.

23. Who kills bugs?
Ouma. It's his punishment after the insect meet and greet.

24. Who asks weird questions in the middle of the night?
Ouma. Shuichi always tells him to shut up 

25. Who hogs blankets?
Sometimes Shuichi. Then Ouma gets pissed a throws him off the bed to teach him a lesson

26. Who wakes up first?
Ouma wakes up first and tries to prank Saihara in one way or another.

27. Who wants to stay in bed?
Shuichi likes to be in bed a little longer, most likely because he often overworks himself.

28. Who makes coffee for the other?

29. Who cries to sad movies and sad books?
Shuichi. (Protecc that boi)

30. Who gets scared during horror movies?
Ouma pretends he's scared so he can cuddle up to Shuichi.

40. Who cuts the others hair?
Ouma can't cut anything properly. And Shuichi isn't allowed to touch Ouma's glamorous hair without permission. So they don't.

50. Who says "I love you" first?
Shuichi would be the one to confess. Ouma is too paranoid to do it.

60. Who tells their friends about the relationship first?
At the same time.

61. What do their friends think?
Congratulate or fangirl.

62. Who is most likely to ask the other to dance?
Ouma. He danced with the DICE members and got some skills.

63. Who looks best?
Ouma + Cooking = Fire, so I'd say Shuichi

64. Who wears the others clothes?
They both wear. It makes Shuichi blush cause Ouma looks good in them and Ouma says that Shuichi looks like a DICE member in his. Shuichi doesn't know if he should take that as a compliment

65. Who uses cheesy pickup lines?

67. Who whispers inappropriate things into others ears?
Ouma. He a perv.

68. Who makes the other laugh?
Ouma makes Shuichi laugh. DICE are sort of clowns after all.

69. Who needs more reassurance?
Ouma. Shuichi knows he does even if other people don't see it.

70. Who bails the other out of jail?
Shuichi bails Ouma out of jail. Fricking Ouma.

71. Theme song?
Don't know...

72. Who would sing their child to sleep?
Shuichi has a calming voice to sing. It calms Ouma down too.

73. What do they do when they're away from each other?
Ouma plays with DICE. Shuichi hangs out with his friends.

74. Headcanon that stabs your feels?
Ouma had a terrible childhood and even Shuichi can't help him fully move on. ( In the future I guess I could make the past of DICE and Ouma in my version. Not now tho.)

75. A headcanon that heals the other one?
Shuichi met DICE by mugging (previously published headcanon)

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