I didn't give him enough time to continue. He just called me short and I didn't like that. I knee him on the gut and he takes a step back. He was about to punch me when a hand blocks the attack. I gasp and turn to see Four grabbing Peter's arm and pushing him away.

"Back off." Four says sternly.

The group takes a few steps back and Peter snorts at me. "Next time you won't be that lucky, Stiff." And with that, they walk away. I stand with my back on the lockers shocked and I turn to Four.

He just helped me. What the hell is going on?!?

He looks and me "Are you okay?" he asks concerned. 

It takes me a few seconds to answer but I manage to say. "Yea... than-"

"This never happened, okay?" He says turning into his usual face and walks off. 

He defended me; and he asked me if I was alright. Does that mean he cares or..... no, he can't care about me. He hates me... and I think he is annoying anyways... 

I sigh and go to Gym class. 

I stand next to Chris; she was talking to the rest of the group.

"What took you so long?" Chris asks and I tell them what happened. After that, they all look me with shocked faces.

"What?" I ask

"Four doesn't just go and help someone! He's not that type of guy." Shauna says

"Yea I mean... he would even just watch in amusement." Lynn says.

"Awww.... that was so cute of him!" Marlene points out and we all look at her like she was crazy. "What? It is!"

"Whatever! And I maybe he was just in a good mood" I say

"Probably. He was making out with Nita earlier... maybe that changed his mood." Chris says.

"So are they like a couple?" I ask.

"The couple of this month..." Lynn says.

"Yea... he's a player." Marlene nods.

"I think I made that clear, Marlene!" Lynn says slightly annoyed and rolls her eyes at her. Then turns to me. "If he helped you, he probably has an eye on you; so watch it. You could be one of his toys."

I am about to say that that couldn't happen but I don't say it; instead I nod. Peter said I was short, and I know I am. I'm also skinny, I have no curves, I'm not that pretty... so I don't think I will be one of the type that Four likes. 

So, why did he helped me?

Suddenly Coach Amar gets in and tells us to play a volley ball match. Boys against girls. Great. Apparently, the Coach doesn't know that boys have more strength than girls in the game and that they have more advantage than us. But no one complains. 

We get into the groups and the match starts. At first we were winning, mostly because Lynn is catching all the balls and throwing it to the other team harshly. Then, she starts cursing at them celebrating and the coach throws her out of the team for and I quote "using bad language". The boys started gaining all the points and suddenly I get mad and block the ball making a score. The girls cheer and the boys glare at us. I smirk and we keep on playing. The boys pass the ball to each other; Four makes a jump serve and....

...The world goes black.

A/N. Hi guys! We hope you like this chapter. We've seen your comments thank you so much for your support and bearing with us!


I (cassie) will be on a trip for three weeks and I won't be able to update as I can't bring any tech device. Still, I will write the story on paper. So when I come back I will give you more chapters. Also, I will try to sneak one of my devices so I can still be on but I can't promise anything. I will update one or two more chapters before leaving (again, I will try and update during the three weeks i'm off). Please bear with us!!


1) would you like another POV? If so, who?

2) Why do you think Four helped her? (the next chapter will be this chapter but in Four's POV so you can see why but I want your guess XD))

DISCLAIMER TIME (cause I haven't done this in a while)


ALSO!! Thanks a lot @HannaBanana212 for helping me out with this amazing fanfic we are creating! SO PLEASE ADD HER CAUSE SHE IS AWESOME

Remember: one vote + one comment = one chapter.

xoxo Cassie and Hanna

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