After the events that occurred earlier, the blush on your cheeks wouldn't go away, especially after coincidentally bumping into him repeatedly. You purposely avoided Itachi since you just couldn't face him without imagining him wrapped in only a towel...

At the very least, you wanted your pulse rate to lower back to normal before speaking to him. Wasn't he supposed to be working anyway? Itachi, on the other hand, found this intriguing. He had noticed your embarrassment right away and followed you around on purpose.

What is he plotting?

Walking past him again, you send him a slight glare before turning the corner of the living room. It wasn't until you caught the sound of his chuckling that made you stop at the kitchen and looked over your shoulder to find a smirking Itachi leaning against the wall, a glint of amusement danced in his taunting eyes.

"Why are you bullying me when you should be at work, Itachi?" You huff out a small sigh when he walked past you, rolling his eyes.

"Day off," he answered as he gets comfortable on the sofa in front of you. "Today is special to me." The edges of your lips lift in a small smile, self-flattered to know he remembered after all. Or at least you hoped.


"Plus, Sasuke still has my car, so even if I wanted to work, I can't leave."

"Oh, that's right..." You shook your head. Apparently, the lack of sleep had messed up your logical reasoning and memory. Why didn't you think about that before assuming differently?

"[N! Name], do me a favor." Itachi broke your train of thought and pointed a finger behind you. "Inside that cupboard there is a red bag with a bottle inside; bring it to me, please."

You nodded, hurried to fetch his request, but before you opened the cupboards, your head tilted when you held the same familiar bag Itachi carried in Seattle.

"And in the next cupboard over there's a set of flute glasses; bring me one. Rather make that two," Itachi commands and you looked at him with a questioning look before walking over with the added items.

"Why two?" you asked despite knowing the answer, and when he showed you another smirk, a nervous aura surrounded you. Did he plan this? Itachi sets all three items on the table and pats the empty space of the leather loveseat across from him.

"Sit you down."

"Oh, am I supposed to speak Shakespeare, too? ...Weirdo."

"Just sit down, [N! Name]," he chuckled, shaking his head.

"Um, b-but I have wor—

"Nonsense," he cuts you off, gently grabbing your hand. "Be my guest instead of my maid for today. This house is clean enough."

Although your body said yes, your conscience threatened you with a knife. Shaking your head, your lips parted to speak, but Itachi cuts in again.

"If you wish to make up for walking in on me—

"Fine." You plopped down on the loveseat faster than lighting. "What is it that you're celebrating?"

"I'll tell you if you have one drink with me," Itachi proposed as he pulled out a champagne bottle from the red bag to cork open, and when your eyes fixed on the amount of bubbles it contained, you recognized the brand right away.

Biting down on your lip, a nervous rush went through you while Itachi poured your glass with grace. "Just one."

Itachi glanced at you, smirking at your shy tone and oddly determined expression. Once is all I need.

ღℳasked ℑdentityღ {Itachi Uchiha}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora