Chapter 18

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Michael's POV:

Once we had gotten ready, we had all headed downstairs and helped Carlisle set up for the party.

"Have you spoken to Esme?" I asked Carlisle, as we put up the decorations.

"Yeah, she's fine. She goes hunting during the night as they think that she's asleep then but she's worried about Lucille's kids. Apparently, she forces them to do their dishes and they are not even allowed to go and hang out with their friends." Carlisle told me.

"What the hell? What about their father?"

"He agrees with Lucille."

"What type of parents are they?" I asked.

"Just forget about it right now. This party is all about Miranda and Charles." Carlisle told me and I nodded my head.

"Yeah, your right." I told him and looked over at Shane, who was just sat there.

"What's up with him?" I asked Carlisle, nodding my head towards Shane.

"Don't know. I asked him what was wrong but he didn't tell me. I just thought that I would wait until Claire comes back from hunting to ask her to find out what is wrong with Shane." Carlisle told me.

"I'll try to talk to him." I told Carlisle, who nodded his head. I walked to Shane and sat down next to him.

"Hey man." I said as I sat down next to him.
"Hi." Shane replied.

"So, what's up with you?" I asked him.

"What do mean? Nothings up with me." Shane told me and I gave him look.

"C'mon, bro. I've known you ever since you were a toddler. I know when something is bothering you. So, tell me what it is or Carlisle and I'll get Claire to get it out of you and you know how she is when you are worried." I told Shane, which caused a slight smile to appear on his face.

"Yeah, she'll get worried herself, which will make me tell her even though I don't want to but still do because I don't like it when she is worried."

"So, tell me."
"Alright, so last night Ali told me that she had a vison of my dad returning and we know how much he hates vampires and Claire. I'm just worried about what he will do to her now that she is also a vampire and I'm scared as to what he will do to get revenge. What if he does something to our family?" Shane said. He was terrified and I don't blame him. Shane's father had been abusing him ever since he was a child but it got worse when he was told that his best friend (AKA me) was a vampire and that he was dating the girl whose parents had deceived him by falling in love and leaving him all alone in his plan to eradicate all vampires. One day it had gotten too bad, that Shane was about to lose his life but didn't because I had bitten him.

"You do know, that we will all protect Claire even though it will cost us our life and don't worry about any of us. Nothing will happen to us. We are family and family always stick together." I told him and gave him a hug. After a couple of seconds, we were bombarded with everyone else wanting to get in on the hug.

"Mikey's right. If we're all together then nothing can happen to us." Rose said.

"By the way, your dad can't do anything to you until I kill you first." Eve said, which caused all of us to laugh.

"Guys, Lucille is coming." Edward said and we all quickly got in our places.

"What are you guys up to?" Carlisle asked.

"We are breaking all of Lucille's rules. One by one." Claire said.

"You kids will never grow up, will you?" Carlisle asked, to which we all shook our heads to say no. Carlisle shook his head with a smile and sat down next to Alice and Jasper. As soon as Lucille came down the stairs, she walked straight to the kitchen to get something to eat and then came straight to the living room, where we were. When she walked into the living room, her face had gotten red with anger, to which we all stifled our laughter.

Lucille's POV:
What I saw when I walked into the living room had made me livid. The girls were sitting on the boy's laps.


"What does it look like? We are sitting down with our family and enjoying the night." Bella said.

"You are going against the rules I had set. You are sitting on their laps like sluts." As soon as I said that, I swear that I had heard all the guys growl.

"Guys, calm down." I heard Carlisle say. They closed their eyes and took in a deep breath, which was weird.

"you better be careful next time because if you call my daughters sluts, I will not regret whatever I do then." Carlisle said and then walked out.

"Whatever, just stop doing that and this mess better be cleaned up before 7 PM." I told them, which caused them to stifle their laughter.

"Did I say something that was funny?" I asked them.

"Yeah, this so-called mess will not be cleaned up before & because the party will start at midnight." Alice said.

"No, it's not. Whatever I say is final." I said before walking away. Whilst I was walking away, I heard the Cullen brats laughing, which caused me to roll my eyes.

Bella's POV:
"Come on, let's break the other rule and go out to the shopping mall and buy presents for Charles and Miranda and might as well buy ourselves something as well." I told them.

"Yeah that's a good idea and that way we will be able to break the no going out without her permission rule and the no credit card rule." Claire said.

"Let's go." Alice said and we all got up and want into the garage to get into our cars to drive to the mall. I got into Edward's Volvo with Edward, Shane and Claire. Eve, Michael, Rose and Emmett went in Emmett's Jeep and Alice and Jasper went in Alice's Porsche. As soon as we had left the garage, Lucille had called Shane's Phone.

"Put it on speaker." Claire told him.

"WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS?!" Lucille shouted through the phone.

"Out." I simply said.


"Cos, we had to go." As soon as Claire said that, Shane hung up the phone and we started to laugh.

"She really annoys me." I said.

"I know Bells, every time she comes in front of me I have the urge to kill her." Shane said.

"It's just a couple more days then she is gone from our lives for good." Claire said and we all agreed with her.

"Want to meet up with Charlie later?" Edward asked me.

"Yeah,I've not seen dad in a while. Let's invite him to Charles and Miranda's party."I told him, and he nodded his head. A couple of seconds later, we had reached the mall. We got out after Edward had parked the car and waited for the others to get here, who had come after 3 minutes of waiting.

"Okay, so everyone goes with their partners and buys whatever they want. Remember, the more we buy, the more it pisses Lucille off. We all nodded our heads and walked in random directions with our partners. 

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