Chapter 16

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Alice's POV:

Since we had decided to break the rules day by day and yesterday we had broken the going to school everyday rule, today we are going break the have to wear baggy clothes and hair must be in a bun or a pony tail rule. I looked in Jasper and my closet to see if we had any baggy clothes, fortunately we didn't. I had to get everyone's outfits ready, apart from Rose and Emmett because Rose can do that, so I had to get Both Jasper and my clothes ready first. For me, I had chosen a pink tank top, with a black jacket and a mini skirt with pink ankle boots. For Jasper, I had chosen black, skinny jeans, a white tee, a black leather jacket and white sneakers. Once I had chosen out the clothes, I got changed and went to Eve and Michael's room to pick out their clothes.

Bella's POV:

Once I had showered, I put on the clothes that Alice had left for me, which was a tight blue and gold maxi dress and black heels. After a couple of minutes, Alice came into my room, wanting to do my hair, so I let her knowing that whatever hairstyle she chooses will piss Lucille off.

Lucille's POV:

By the time I had woken up, I could hear the devils downstairs laughing. I freshened up and went downstairs. What I saw really annoyed me. They were all wearing tight clothes and the girl's hair weren't even in a neat bun or a pony tail, but I've got to admit Edward looked really cute in his outfit. He was wearing blue, tight jeans, a black button up and high tops. His hair was so messy, but it looked so good. I looked at the floor to see confetti all over the place.

"What the hell is going on here?" I asked them, quite angrily. They all stopped what they were doing and looked at me.

"It's the day when Charles and I first met." Miranda told me.

"So we are celebrating it." Emmett told me and they all went back to do whatever they were doing.

"Well stop it. You all have to go to school and Miranda and Charles need to make my breakfast." I tell them and turn the stereo off. They scoffed and left the house.

Edward's POV:

Jasper, Alice, Bella and I went in my Volvo and Rose, Emmett, Michael, Eve, Shane and Claire went in Emmett's jeep.

"You hungry, Bells?" I ask her, remembering that we left the house in a hurry and Bella hasn't ate anything.

"I'm not that hungry." Bella tells us.

"Are you sure?" Jasper asks and Bella nods her head. We all seemed satisfied with that answer. Once we all left the car, we waited for the others so that we could walk into school together like we always do. They arrived a couple of minutes later. Eve and Shane were arguing as usual.

"What are they arguing about this time?" Bella asked them. I read Eve and Shane's minds and chuckled.

"What?" Jasper asked.

"They're arguing about who makes the best chilli." I tell them and they all begin to chuckle, which caused Eve and Shane to stop arguing. We walked into the school and like always everybody was staring at us. We walked to our lockers, which were all next to each other all thanks to Carlisle.

"If you get hungry, there are some chocolate bars and crisps in your bag and a drink in mine." I tell Bella, as we walk into homeroom. All of us had homeroom in different parts of the buildings but we all had our partners with us. Whilst we were walking towards homeroom, we saw a couple of guys who were checking Claire out.

"Dude, some guys are checking Claire out." I whispered, knowing that not only Shane but everyone else had heard as well.

"Couldn't you wear something else?" Bella asked me.

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