"Of course Miss. Even though right after the ambulance immediately came, fell from 8 floors building and damaged face after hit the ground...it's a miracle if he is still here. Please accept my condolences for your loss...right now the body is still in the hospital, waiting for his relative to pick him up,"

Upon hearing the officer's answer, I feel my head is heavy, I feel my body is rigid.

Yoongi ended his life this tragically.

"Mi-Miss!! Miss!!"

I raised my head, startled when the officer shouted panickly and quickly stand up from his chair. When I realize with the reality that we face, once again Sana fell down and unconscious.


Your life is too tragic. What the tragic means is someone who was born into this world to only get neglection, hatred, anger, loss, torment and downfall. Have you ever felt happy?

Yes you ever did.

But never gone, the pain on that pitiful heart. Even though he felt happiness, even though he smiled, even though he was grateful but still there's broken feelings.

Has life already playing on a powerless human? Who was he? Superman? Wonderman? The incredible? Maybe no, is there any human who ever have life as tragic as his and still survive till now?

Life was playing on him.

And when the savior came – what they called with love- everything has already late. He already destroyed it, he was already defeated earlier, he was too coward, he was afraid of light. He was afraid to just for once, feeling happy.

I see him. I see him walking further away following the light that he couldn't chase before. Why he chases it right now? Does his courage already come? I run after him, try to chase him, calling his name. Because if I can't reach him, I don't know what I want anymore to keep me survive. Even though he's walking, eventhough I'm running, I never could reach him.


He doesn't hear me.


He's still walking further away.


No. My scream can not be heard by him. He is walking further and further away and I think soon I will lose his figure. I see his back, leaving further away, make my chest tighten. Painful, aching. How saddening. I want to cry until my tears drained out.

"You cry too much and it doesn't suit you,"

That's right. I shouldn't cry. Yoongi won't like that. But what I suppose to do? Then what should I do? Yoongi is walking further away and I'm afraid, in a blink of eyes maybe he will disappear.


"I want to tell you. If I deserved to once again feel love, if I deserved to get a forgiveness from you...I want to tell you. I love you Minatozaki Sana,"

I was startled and found Yoongi already standing in front of me, embracing my body tightly, burying his face on my crook. Both of us are already in his room and just like the other days, we are here together without anyone borthering us. I'm crying and reach his back, hug him back even tighter. I won't get separated from him.

"Yoongi...don't leave me. I need you,"I sobbed. I feel his heartbeat, echoing with my heartbeat very quick. His warm breath blows against my skin, make me drop my tears feeling how warm Yoongi's presence beside me. He's here, with me and I'm touching him, feeling his presence, having him just for me.

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