Chapter Fifteen: Revealing Secrets

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A.N.: Hey! How is everyone? If anyone cares, I'm good because James followed me on twitter recently!!! (@VanillaSkyLuke) Also, my friends and I got tickets to the 5SOS tour! WOOP WOOP!


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Chapter 15

Aoife's POV

Three weeks.
That's what the letter read. Three weeks before I started chemotherapy. I needed to tell Beau.

I put the letter down and picked up my bucket list.

Bucket list:

-Move to LA with family. Done

-Go horse riding down by the beach.

-See One Direction in concert. Done

-Do some youtube videos. Done

-Buy a better camera and take lots of good pictures with it. Done

-Dip-dye hair. Done

I got Mum to phone up a place about the horse riding, and Jack and I were booked for later today. Might as well go now. It doesn't matter if we're a bit early, we can explore a bit. Plus, I haven't hung out much my brother much.

I grab the keys to Mum's car (which I asked to borrow, by the way, I'm not much of a rebel) and grab a jackets.

"Jack!" I yell up the stairs, "Get your ass down here and into the car!"

Beau's POV

James, Skip and Jai decided to go bowling. I was invited but Luke is still asleep upstairs-and we all know that if he wakes up to an empty house he'll go out of his way to make us all feel guilty.

Anyway, there was something I needed to ask him...

About a half an hour after the others had left, Luke sleepily padded downstairs, tiredly pouring himself a bowl of cereal.

We chatted for a bit, which included me teasing him about Maraea, which made him blush several times. Eventually, however, I remembered I had to ask him something.



"When Aoife collapsed, you were going to tell me something...You said she wouldn't want you to tell me it though...What was it?"

"It doesn't matter." Luke replies, slightly on edge.

"C'mon, Luke, it can't be that bad." I say.

"It can and it is." Luke mutters, before getting off the stool he was sitting on and putting his bowl in the sink.

"What is it?" I ask, beginning to get worried.

"It's not really my place to say..."

"Just tell me already! For f*cks sake!" I shout, getting frustrated.

"She has cancer!" Luke screams back at me, letting his temper go.

I'm speechless.

"Are you happy now?!" He yells. I can't help but feel kind of bad, I've just got my brother upset and angry. But I'm still shocked over what he just told me.

I want to ask him why he's lying, but, deep down, I know he isn't. A flood of questions come to mind but I'm still too shocked to speak.

"I'm sorry." Luke says, handing me a glass of water as I flop down onto the sofa.

"It's okay. I shouldn't have yelled at you." I reply, quietly.

"Are you okay?"

"Not really."


Luke tells me how he found out, and that she is having treatment to prolong her life.

But she is going to die in a few months.

The boys call to say they're going to get pizza and that we can come if we want. Luke decides to go, while I stay so I can confront Aoife about what I've just learnt when she comes back.

Eventually, she lets herself in to my house, using the key I gave her. This place was practically her second home.

"Hey, Beau." She greets as she enters the living room. She is walks in the direction of the kitchen, probably to get a drink but I stop her when I ask:

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Tell you what?" She asks, fiddling with her bracelet-which, I know by now, is a nervous habit.

"That you had cancer."

She completely freezes then.

"I'm so so sorry." She tells me.

"Why, Aoife? Why didn't you tell me?" I say. She can't just not tell me about her cancer and say 'sorry'. It's not good enough.

"I didn't want to be treated any differently. I didn't want to recieve sympathetic looks all the time..." She says, looking ashamed.

"What made you tell Luke? Why not me?"

"I thought it might help him, to know that I trusted him enough to tell him this, so he could trust me if he ever wanted to talk." She explains.

"You still could have told me!"

"I was going to tell you!"


"Soon! I'm starting chemo in three weeks, I would've told you before then!"

"Why didn't you just tell me earlier?" I ask, my tone softer.

"Why does it matter?" Aoife asks, upset.

"Because I care so much about you."

"You've only known me for a few months..."

"And in those few months I've fallen in love with you."

I didn't mean to say that. Anxious and blushing, I wait for her reaction.

She kisses me.

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A.N: So Beau finally knows! I hope you guys liked this chapter! Also, thanks Abby_Dixon2014 for the help with the idea for this chapter :)


-Ellen x

PS: If by any chance you like 5SOS, can you please follow my insta fan account? @whisperluke 
Tysm if you do :D

Always || Beau BrooksDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora