Chapter Fourteen: The Concert

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A.N.: Hey! I hope you guys all enjoy this chapter!

Chapter 14

Aoife's POV

Beau's driving and I'm in the passenger seat with Maraea and Luke in the back as we travel to the One Direction concert. At first, Maraea was quite nervous around the boys but now she was happily chatting to Luke in the back about 5 Seconds of Summer and One Direction.

"How long have you know Maraea for?" Beau asks as we exit a roundabout.

"Too long." I reply with a laugh.

"Well, Luke seems to be getting on well with her..." Beau says, sending me a wink. We're thinking the exact same thing.

"We'll see how tonight goes," I whisper, so Maraea and Luke don't hear, "But I'm pretty sure they'll get together soon."

5 Seconds of Summer have just finished there set and they were amazing. I'm glad we have seats though, I'm feeling kind of tired already.

Perks of having cancer...

Soon, One Direction are on stage, full of energy. We're all going crazy, jumping up and down and singing the lyrics loudly. At one point, I'm pretty sure Louis looked at me and smiled.

"Louis smiled at us. Was he smiling at me or you? Or both of us?" Beau asks me loudly, with a grin.

"I'm pretty sure he smiled at me."

"He might have smiled at me."

"Why would he smile at you?" I ask teasingly.

"Because I am clearly a guy directioner who isn't shy about turning up at a One Direction concert."

"I'm sure there is lots of guy directioners here- what makes you so special?"

"Or, he was just smiling in our general direction and not a particular person." Maraea says, jumping into our conversation.

Let me dream, woman, let me dream.

Finally, the intro of Best Songs Ever begins.

The crowd scream in delight, but also slightly sadly, because this is the last song of the concert.

At the first chorus, I realise Luke and Maraea have started dancing together. They look slightly weird, but also very happy.

"That. Was. Amazing." Maraea announces, red faced, as we leave the arena.

"It truly was," I agree, before turning to Beau, "Thanks for the tickets, that was awesome."

"No problem." He smiles, bending down slightly to give me a light kiss on the lips.

As we start to drive back to my house, still pumped from the concert, I begin to feel quite dizzy and sick.

I should have taken my last dose of medication for the day about an hour ago.

I'll be back home soon. I can take it then.

Everything will be okay.

"Aoife, are you okay? You look at little pale." Beau asks, slightly concerned when we stop at a red light.

"Yeah, I'm just tired."

I'm not going to worry him. Not now.

I glance up at the rearview mirror and catch Luke's eye. He seems worried, but I nod at him, trying to tell him I'll be okay.

Once we're back at my house, I start to feel dizzier and dizzier just walking to the kitchen. I don't even realise straight away that I've grabbed the doorframe, trying to balance myself.

Black spots cloud my vision and everything sounds like I'm underwater. I feel my legs give away just as everything goes black.

Beau's POV

"I'm just going to get a drink." Aoife says, before disappearing to the kitchen. I sit down on one couch while Maraea and Luke sit on another, both laughing at something one of them said.

"Aw, you two would be adorable together!" I exclaim, trying to embarrass them. Luke glares at me and Maraea blushes, while I simply smirk at them.

Suddenly, we all hear a bang.

I jump up and rush to the kitchen, closely followed by my brother and his new crush. Aoife is lying awkwardly on the kitchen floor, a small cut on her forehead where she probably hit the corner of the table as she fell.

Maraea crouches down beside her best friend and checks for a pulse.

"I think she's just fainted," Maraea tells us a few moments later, "She probably just got dehydrated at the concert."

I rummage through the cupboards for a glass and I fill it with water for Aoife when she wakes up. Meanwhile, Maraea cleans up her cut. Once it's cleaned, it's tinier than I first thought it was, and Maraea doesn't bother with a plaster.

"What if..." Luke says quietly, before trailing of. I glance up at him.

"What if what?"

"I don't know if I should tell you this...she wouldn't want me too..."

"Spit out Luke."

He mumbles something I can't hear.

"Louder Luke!" I shout, beginning to get annoyed.

However, before he can say anything else, Aoife groans.

"Ow." She murmurs, as I cuddle her to me.

We all help her to the couch and she sips her water.

"What happened?" I ask.

"I'm not sure...I felt kinda sick then I fainted..." My girlfriend replies.

"Do you feel better now?" Maraea asks.

"Yeah," She answers, with a small smile, "Thanks for helping guys."

Aoife's POV

For the next half an hour I sit next to Beau sipping my water, listening to the others talk about the concert. I join in at some points, but mostly I just listen.

I really need to have my medication though.

As I finish the glass, I stand up.

"I'm just getting another drink."

"I'll get it." Beau says, going to take the glass from my hands.

"Don't worry, I'm fine now. I'll do it myself." I say, and Beau lets me go. I can't help but internally breathe a sigh of relief as I refill my water and quickly take my medication.

I can't tell Beau yet. I'm not ready.

A.N.: I hope you enjoyed that!😊

And I've got a question for you guys:
Do you think Aoife should tell Beau, or do you think that he should just somehow find out?

Please comment! I love you guys commenting, it makes me smile.


I love you all,
-Ellen xx

Always || Beau BrooksDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora