Sirius Black

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Chapter 10: Sirius Black


A middle aged man had just walked into the Ministry of magic with his wand drawn. He had light brown hair with several grey hairs sticking out and few wrinkles upon his face.

He walked through the lobby, past the fountain, and to the lift. The man had waited until the lift stopped in the Department of Mysteries, and stepped out. He ran down the corridor and entered the room at the end of the hallway.

There were several doors in the room and the wall spun as he entered, but he knew exactly where he was going. The brown and gray haired man went straight for the room in front of him.

He walked in and in the middle of the room stood a veil, covered by a curtain. The man slowly walk toward it and drew back the curtain, where he heard voices, and one of those voices were rather familiar.

  He, still clutching his wand, hesitated, and stuck his head in. He looked around the pitch black abyss and saw the outline of many figures.

Lumos,” He mumbled as the area lit up. Just in front of him he saw the person he was looking for. He could see him perfectly well, but it seemed as though, it seemed as if the other could not see him. He put his other hand through the veil, and over the man’s wrist. The brown haired man pulled himself and the other back through the veil and back into the Department of Mysteries.  

Just as they came out of the veil, the other man seemed to snap out of his daze. This man had long, dark brown hair, and small, brown eyes.

He turned to the man with brown and grey hair, and spoke,


“Yes, Padfoot, it’s me.” Moony said.

“H-how long have I been gone, Moony?” Padfoot asked.

Moony thought for a second, "About, five, maybe six months.”

Padfoot didn’t speak so Moony went on.

“Listen, we need to get to Hogwarts-“ Padfoot cut him off.

“Am I still wanted by the Ministry?”

“No, your name was cleared just after you fell into the veil.”

Padfoot nodded, “What was that about Hogwarts?”

“We need to go and help Harry with something,” Moony said, “I’ll explain the rest on the way there. We can’t Apperate onto Hogwarts grounds or here, so, we’ll have to walk to the Leaky Cauldron and then we can take a portkey to Hogsmeade, and continue to walk to Hogwarts.”

Harry and Draco had practiced Defense Against the Dark Arts all week after classes and during free periods. Narcissa had often accompanied them when they did so. They had heard that Lucius Malfoy had last been spotted somewhere near Godric’s Hollow and was still on his way to Hogwarts.

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