Narcissa Malfoy

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Chapter 9: Narcissa Malfoy


Harry, Draco, and Dumbledore were waiting in the entrance hall during lunch for Narcissa to arrive. She finally walked through the doors around twelve with one of the Hogwarts House Elves had brought her bags.

“Draco!” She pulled him into a hug and looked at Harry, “Come here, you too!” She yanked him into the three person hug and after a minute or two.

“I heard you two boys were together and I honestly think it’s wonderful!”  Narcissa smiled at them.

“You must be the first,” Harry said.

“Well I’m not homophobic, like some people.” She said referring to Lucius.

Draco finally spoke, “Mother, you’re really okay with us dating one another?”

“Why would I not be? You guys are perfect for each other!”

Harry turned and looked at Draco and smiled. Draco wrapped his arms around from Harry from behind and smiled back.

“How lovely!” Narcissa’s smile widened.

“Ahem,” Dumbledore cleared his throat and everyone remembered that he was there, “Narcissa, Your rooms are just up here, and you boys may follow, if you please, so you will know where she is if you happen to need her.”

Dumbledore gestured for them to follow. Narcissa was walking beside Dumbledore and Harry and Draco were behind them, holding hands as they walked. They made it to third floor and up to a large portrait of a rose and Dumbledore said the password (Rosebud), where they entered a large bedroom with red and pink bedspread with white pillows. Narcissa’s trunk was at the foot of her bed along with the owl that had sent Draco the note earlier that morning.

“It’s beautiful room, Albus!” Narcissa smiled.

“It looks like Valentines Day threw up.” Said Draco, still clutching Harry’s hands.

“Don’t be rude Draco.” She said to her son.

“Well, I hope you are comfortable here, Narcissa,” Dumbledore said, “And I hope that you two boys can talk to her about current situations while I’m finding a better security.” Dumbledore left the three alone.

“Mother, does father know you’re here?” Draco asked.

“Merlin, no,” She answered.

“Mrs. Malfoy, what will you do if he finds out?” Harry asked.

“He really shouldn’t find out unless there was someone to tell him.”

“Pansy,” Harry and Draco said simultaneously.

“Who is ‘Pansy’?” Narcissa asked.

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