The Prophet

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Chapter 6: The Prophet


Draco woke up on the soft, squishy pillow that was Harry’s stomach. He could feel Harry’s fingers running through his platinum blonde hair. Draco looked up at Harry though the slits of his eyes.

“Morning, Draco.” He was still playing with his hair.

“Mhormimg,” Draco said half asleep, “wha time is it?”

“Seven fifty six we should probably get to breakfast.”

Draco nodded.

“Do you want to walk in together, or wait a while to tell everyone?” Harry asked.

“I don’t want anyone to know yet, in case they tell my father. If he found out he would break out of Azkaban and personally kill me, even if I am his son,”

The two boys got out of the bed. They had fallen asleep in their school pants, so all they had to put on was their shirts. They left through The Room of Requirements and finally entered the great hall through the opposite doors.

 Harry walked over and to the Gryffindor table and sat in between Ron and Hermione.

“Hey guys,” Harry said, “What’s up?”

What’s up?!?!” Ron fumed, “You were gone all night and you ask ‘What’s up’?!?!”

“Calm down, Ron,” Harry took a bite of his toast, “It was nothing.”

Nothing?!?! Bloody hell, you were gone all night.” Ron stopped talking for a moment to eat.

Hermione’s eyes widened and she leaned over to whisper something in Harry’s ear, “You were with someone last night weren’t you?”

Harry blushed and whispered back “Is it that obvious?” He asked staring at Draco.

“Yes it is that obvious, you have a bite mark just below your ear, and your cloths are wrinkl-“She started saying before she realized who it was and gasp, “You were with Malfoy, weren’t you?”

Harry’s eyes widened as she whispered this, “No, I wasn’t.” he lied.

“I won’t tell anyone who you were with. But Ron should know that you were with someone.”

Ron looked over at them, “What are you two talking about?”

“Harry was with someone last night.” Hermione said giggling.

“But, Ginny was here last night. Does that mean that you’re cheating on my sister?!?!” Ron looked even madder.

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