A Glimpse Of Darkened Eyes

Start from the beginning

Except everything has an end and you found out in the worst way.

As you walked peacefully through the hospital's corridors, on your way to leave and get into your comfy blankets after a heavy day at work, something caught your attention.

A noise, a moaning noise.

What struck you what the name moaned, a very specific name you knew all too well.


You froze dead in your tracks, a wave of horror falling over your shoulders as you realised what was truly going on. You didn't need to calculate the probabilities, you knew. You could feel it in your bones: the dagger of betrayal.

However, as the proverb says: you need to see it to believe it.

So you forced yourself to open the door of the Strange's office. All your assumptions about Doctor Strange came back in full force, all the doubts that had burdened your heart about being in a relationship with him resurfaced like the giant wave splashing in your face.

You thought he was better than that, inaccurate to all the rumours but they were unfortunately right and you had the vivid proof in front of your eyes: Stephen cheating on you with another woman in his office.

Like the snap of a thread, your heart broke, love turned into nothing but a deep disgust of the man you once loved. You never said you were exclusive, but when you date someone, opening your heart about your previous relationship and almost saying the « L » word, it means something right?

Well, not for Strange as you saw his lustful eyes fixed on the young intern, lost in bliss.

Nevertheless, he glanced the ajar door whereas he was certain it was closed and as his steely eyes raised up he locked eyes with yours. He immediately let go of the girl and tried to cover himself but you spun around without a round while he screamed your name and tried to apologise. However, all these noises fell on deaf ears. It was over.


No one should play with a young girl's heart, it should be treated right, taken care with all the kindness of the world as when it is given, it can be given back in one piece. That day, a piece of your heart was broken, shattered in the blood of betrayal.

Two Endings :

To Move On ( Sad one)

You ran out of the hospital, tears streaking down your cheeks while Stephen hurried after you. You ignored him as best as you could but his yells drew attention, especially when Christine stepped out of the corridor and stopped Stephen.

She didn't need to be an oracle to know what happened. Your crying form and the dishevelled Stephen and the horror plastered on his face were enough clues to realise what happened to the couple.

So Christine stepped out and stopped Stephen.

« Leave her alone. »

And Stephen watched you leave the hospital's doors, his world falling apart as he realised he had lost you for good.

« What did I do ? » he muttered to himself as Christine softly patted his shoulder.

« You broke her heart, Stephen. » Christine stated, frowning at the neurosurgeon.

He called your name one last time and he saw your body freeze, turning slowly to him.

You were boiling with thousand feelings: pain, betrayal, broken love, but mostly sadness. You walked back to him until you were face to face with the man who cheated on you and stated in front of the whole hospital :

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