Cause of an uproar

Start from the beginning

"Yes, Mrs Helsweel?" She asked meekly.

"I'm glad to see you're not going to need much more work in order to get back in the game." She spoke, "Well done. Now, go work on your ankle strength. I saw a sickle on that last move."

"Of course!" Talia exclaimed, rushing to the barre in the corner of the room she'd been told to go to for the next couple of weeks in order to regain her ballet technique.

Talia was working on her balance, ignoring everything going on around her until she heard this from the other side of the room, "Four more soloists have signed for the CAMDA's, Talia included in that." 

Her head shot up and over to Helsweel who sent a nod in her direction.

*With wide eyes. Talia said, "I'm not ready for the CAMDA's! I'm not ready to dance properly at all!"*

Beckett looked over to the girl with a smirk and she automatically knew. He signed her up. That little bugger...

Spencer Marlowe was a flirty person. A play boy if you will but never actually being a play boy. He never dated, never used girls, he just enjoyed to flirt.

But when it came to one, it's like he just couldn't get through to her, "Hey! Vanessa!" He called out as he watched her crutch down the hallway, "Wait up!"

"Spencer?" Vanessa was confused to why her friends brother was talking to her, "What's up?"

"Friday!" He exclaimed. Vanessa didn't understand and he blushed when he realised what he said without explaining, "Every year, my parents throw this huge ball for both sides of the family. It's like a meal and then boring socialising before the kids get to go off into their own room. It's quite boring actually."

Vanessa giggled slightly, watching the boy ramble, "That sounds riveting."

"It is! And you'll love it when you come as my date."

Vanessa started to walk away, a smirk plastered on her face, "Who said I wanted to be your date?"

Spencer started to trip over his words, "I- Well- It's-"

"I'm in." Vanessa saved him from more embarrassment, "What's the harm, eh?"

Spencer's face beamed, smiling so much he thought it was going to tear through his skin, "Great! Um, I'll pick you up then? Warning, my one side of my family is Italian while the other is Irish, so it can get pretty hectic."

"It sounds great!" 

Spencer walked backwards, colliding straight into Carly who was trying to catch up with Vanessa, "So- Sorry Cee." He was stuttering all over the place, his eyes not leaving Vanessa, who had stopped to watch the ordeal, "Friday, 6 p.m. Dress fancy!"

Cee stepped next to Vee, turning to watch Spencer trip everywhere, "What just happened?"

"I've got a date with Spencer Marlowe." She sighed dreamily, before her eyes widened, "Oh my god, I've got a date with Spencer Marlowe. Marlowe! As in Talia Marlowe! She's going to kill me!"

Cee placed a hand on Vanessa's shoulder, "I'm sure she'll understand. or at least give you a running start as you're still on crutches."

Meanwhile, Talia stayed behind to talk to the one and only Helsweel.

*"She doesn't hate you, it's just her face. She doesn't hate you, it's just her face."*

"Miss Marlowe." Helsweel greeted as Talia stopped next to her, "Don't you have another class to get to?"

Talia smiled slightly, "Yes, Italian, which is why I want to make this quick. I was wondering if I could talk to you about the CAMDA's."

Allegro (Beckett Bradstreet)Where stories live. Discover now