Night-training and Haku visiting.

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Kumi's pov:

The next day i where with the boys out watching them train, cherry had apoligized all morning and i was tired of listening when i had told her over and over, that she was forgiven. So i sat and watched them train, Sazu seemed somewhat happy about me being here. He kept glancing back at me, it was as if he was affraid that i would disappear if he couldn't see me. It got dark, evening, and Sazu left for the house, but Naruto stayed and so did i. He trained all night until he fell over and after that i made sure, that he was safe. I stayed up all night and watched over him, as the morning light appeared i sat in a tree and watched over his unconsious form. I could sence somebody come near, it was Haku. He woke up Naruto and they began to talk after introducing each other, slowly i sneaked closer. I heard Haku ask him about me discretely as they were picking flowers and i smirked as Naruto paniced.

"Oh Kami, sensei's gonna kill me. He said not to leave her out of sight! Kumi?! Please be here." I giggled soundless at him and sneaked closer and closer.

Haku could feel my intent of attacking and his hand grabbed a senpon without Naruto noticing. I smirked darkly and jumped with the speed of light, i didn't attack Haku, my prey was Naruto. And i got him, harshly he was pushed to the ground and his only comment was a weak smile while saying:

"Arigato Kami."

I giggled at the face of Haku, it was priceless.

"Chotto!" I smiled at him and he smiled softly back.

"Ohayo Princess." He said softly, though Naruto didn't seem to hear it.

"Soooooo, Naruto what ya doing?" I asked the boy below me.

"Are you gonna stay on my back for long?" He asked, ignoring my question.

"Maybe..." I smiled and he glanced up at me, Haku sat down a few steps away from us and watched us with a soft smile.

"Do i have to tell your niichan?" He asked and i giggled.

"He wouldn't do anything." I told him and he sighed, knowing what i said was true.

"Then i'll tell Sasuke." He said, clearly fishing.

"Well what would he do?" I asked curiously.

"Hunt down you cousin and tell on you." It sounded more like a question, but i desided to let him of and play along.

"That's mean!" I told him with fake resentment and got of him and demonstratively turned my back to him.

I could hear Haku chuckle as Naruto paniced.

"Iie, iie! Its not like that Kumi-chan! Please dont be mad!" He begged me and i giggled at him.

"You're so silly! Of cause im not mad! We're friends afterall." I told him while giggleing and i giggled again as Naruto happely hugged me, Haku's eyes never left me.

"I wonder, if niichan's angry, that i didn't come back last night, but stayed out with you..." I mumbled.

"Dont worry, Kumi-chan! He cant be angry at you, atleast not for long. No one can. Believe it!" Naruto said entusiasticly and i giggled.

"Of cause they cant! Im loveable afterall! Right?" I exclaimed, though the last part was a sweet and innocent question.

"Hai! Believe it!" Naruto agreed quickly and i saw Haku try to choke back a laugh.

I yawned and sat at the ground. "Soooo? Are you gonna train all day too?"

"Kumi-chan? Did you stay up all night for me?" Naruto asked as i yawned again.

I giggled and held up my hand indicating a little bit.

"Kakashi-sensei is going to kill me....." He muttered gloomy and i giggled.

"No, he wont! He's not that easily angered, silly you." I told him sweetly and he looked down on me with hopeless eyes.

"He is, when its about you. But never mind, lets train! Believe it!" He said and i could feel Haku's eyes again.

"Hai!" I laughed and Haku got up.

"I guess, that's my cue to go." He said and turned to leave, as Naruto began to attack the tree again.

"Just a second. I saw, that you looked for herbs and i thought, that this one would be a help." I said smiling and held out a purple flower herb, that i had found in the tree, towards Haku.

He looked puzzled at me and the flower, then he took it.

"You do know, that you're helping the enemy, right?" He asked and placed the flower in his basket.

"What enemy? Im simply helping a guy, who was kind enough to wake up my friend, before he got sick." I told him smiling and he smiled back. "Pass on my regards."

He looked surpriced after me as i ran to the tree, that Naruto was trying to climb. Then he left chuckling to himself, aparently it was a lot of fun.... Naruto trained for a few hours, then Niichan and cherry showed up and i looked down upon them from my branch. Naruto showed of to them and pretended to almost fall down from the tree, which lead him to actually fall down the tree, but Sazu showed up and caught him. When Naruto was safely down on the ground, Niichan looked angry at him.

"So Naruto? Are you done with fooling around? Then you can tell me, where Kumi is." He said and Naruto froze panicing.

He looked from tree to tree in clear panic. "Not again! Kumi!?" He called and i got up from my branch, getting ready to jump niichan.

"Naruto, you were surpose to watch her! Its the second time one of you forgets about her!" Niichan scolded and then he turned around quickly and caught me before i could push him to the ground, then he swinged me around as he turned towards the team again.

I squealed loudly and laughed as i was swung around, i could see the smirk under his mask. He was very pleased with himself that he caught me, i could see it in his eye.

"Again! Niichan again!" I laughed, when i was no longer being swung around.

With a relieved laugh Niichan swung me around again before placeing me on the ground right beside him. I could feel eyes watch me from the trees.

"I guess, that's two people not able to watch over you, hm imoito? But it doesn't matter, lets head back and get something to eat." Niichan said and lead me with a hand on my shoulder back to the house.

So this is going on? (Naruto fanfiction)Book 5.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن