Meeting the masked ninja again!

Start from the beginning

"You're silly, i dont do magic." I told him, while giggeling.

"You're such a child, it wasn't meant like that." He laughed and i smiled. "Does your chakra really connect with the nature and elements on its own as soon as you let it lose?"

"That's a secret. I atleast think, that it is... Niichan never really told me... Nevermind, i got lots of secrets, one more doesn't change much." I said shrugging and he looked curiously at me.

"You doesn't seem like the type to have secrets nor have the power, that you have." He commentet and i smiled at him.

"Niichan always says, that i do things, that i shouldn't be doing in ways, that isn't like me. He says, that my abilities and personallity doesn't match. He said, that he thinks, that its a little disturbing. Both niichan and old man hokage agreed, that if i really really wanted to hurt somebody, then there would be no way for them to stop me. They are silly!" I said thinking, then i laughed.

"You are unbelieveable." He sweatdropped.

"Huh? I wonder why everybody says that..." I giggled and he smiled.

It was silent for a while, though i could see the questions in his eyes. Finally he could't hold back his question.

"How can you control ice and snow?" He asked and i tilted my head as i looked at him.

"I control everything! Why?" I giggled as he sighed, then i looked closer at him and reconized the eyes.

"Just forget it..." He mumbled and i caught his eyes.

"You're a yuki?" I asked and when he looked around, as if trying to find a good escape rute, i giggled. "Dont be like that. My mother's mother's mother were a yuki too, its no biggie."

"So you're infact part yuki?" He asked and i smiled.

"Half a quarter to be exact." I laughed and he smiled.

It was night now and i yawned bigtime, it was far over my bedtime. I giggled suddenly as i heard niichan's angry voice far away, i heard him yell my name at somebody and i smiled softly at Haku.

"You should go now, niichan is very angry. He just realised, that cherry forgot me and he is probably on his way here." I told him and he nodded and got up.

"When the time comes and we stand on oppesite sides, please stand back! I dont want to hurt you, i really dont... And i dont want us to die for your hand just yet, you're too young. If we win, we'll take you with us, please dont fight it when the time comes for you to come." He told me and i smiled sadly at him.

"I dont know if i will be able to do that." I told him and he smiled calmly and warmly.

"We'll see." He said, then he kissed the top of my head and when i looked curiously and shocked after him, he winked before disappearing between the houses.

I heard niichan's angry and scared voice come closer in his search for me, i laughed and when i knew niichan where within hearing range, i called him. He stood within sight not long after. When he saw me, he ran to my side and looked me over quickly. He smiled softly, when i yawned again.

"Are you okay? Are you cold? Feeling sick? Tired? Hungry? Thirsty? Did you talk with anyone? Why didn't you just come back by yourself?" He asked fast and hasty and i laughed at him, not moving away from my spot on the wooden pier at all...

"Im okay. Hai, im a little cold. Iie, im not feeling sick. Hai, im tired. Hai, im hungry. Hai, im thirsty. Hai, i talked with somebody. You said to do exactly as cherry said, so i did, she said to stay here." I told him in a hasty tone and he sighed.

"I deserved that one, who did you talk with?" He asked and i smiled at him, happy that he took it so nicely.

"Haku, he is the hunternin from the other day. He's a bit weird...." I told niichan and made a face.

"What did he say?" Niichan asked dead serious.

"He wanted to know, why i was still waiting. And i told him, that it was because you said to do as cherry said. Then he wanted to know if i always does as you tell me to and i said no, only when its important or i want to. Then he called me a child, because i was playing in the water with my feet and i told him that i was a child, after all i am 11. He was surprised and mumbled about how he thought, that i would have been older. I told him, that he is prettier then i thought and he was surprised, that i knew who he was. He told me, that his name was Haku. He told me, that he saw us train a few days ago. He said, that i had him enchanted and that the sword-guy had already fallen under my spell under our first meeting. I told him he was silly, because i dont do magic and he said it wasn't meant like that." I told him and continued with explaining, what we had talked about before ending it. "In the end i told him to leave, because i could hear you come. He nodded and got up before turning to me again. Then he said: 'When the time comes and we stand on oppesite sides, please stand back! I dont want to hurt you, i really dont... And i dont want us to die for your hand just yet, you're too young. If we win, we'll take you with us, please dont fight it when the time comes for you to come.' I told him, that i didn't know if i would be able to not fight back. He said that we would see, then he weirded me out by kissed my head and when i looked after him confused, he winked at me."

Niichan looked around with eyes that could kill, but then he sighed.

"Come on, lets go." He said and held out his hand for me, but i didn't take it.

"I cant, i have to wait for cherry to come and get me. She was very specific about that." I told him and i saw him sweatdrop.

"Fine, i get it! Dont let others give you orders." He said annoyed and i squealed as he lifted me up and placed me over his shoulder, then he took my shoes in his other hand.

Laughing i changed position from his shoulder to his back, where i sat piggyback style. Niichan smiled as i sat my head on his shoulder and yawned. I could hear his laugh far into my dreams, when he realised that i had fallen asleep.

So this is going on? (Naruto fanfiction)Book 5.Where stories live. Discover now