Just this morning.

22 2 0

Shawns p.o.v

I watch her leave. I watch Isabell leave. Her shadow showing in the uber.

I smile. I didnt know her this morning.....Now i cant stop thinking about her.

Its crazy how random people can just show up. Its also crazy how people can just be taken away from us any moment.

I put my hands in my pockets. I look around. The noises around me slightly bothering me.

The cars passing by me.

I look down at my large feet.

How do i get home? My phone is dead!

I cover my ears and go inside a small toy store near me. I remove my fingers and look around.

I dart my eyes towards the check desk.

I walk up towards them.

Maybe i can borrow their phone?

Theres a young lady behind the counter. She looks maybe about early 30's. Shes wearing her blue uniform. Her hair up.

"Excuse me, May i borrow your phone? I just need to make a quick call" i tell her...In the most mannered way as possible.

She smiles at me. She hands me her phone.

"Thankyou" i smile. I grab her phone over the counter.

I dial the only number i know.

My mum's.

I look up at the clock first.

It tells...10:00 pm.

Oh...Umm...i might get in trouble.

I decide to go over the conversation in my head. Just to be prepared. Theres a huge chance shes going to get mad.

I type in the numbers.

I put the phone up to my ear.

"Hello?" My moms voice echos through the phone.


"Hi, mom. Its me, Shawn. I need a ride home" i ask her Anxiously.

I hear her breath.

"Shawn? What are you doing out? I thought you were with Alexa?" Her voice of concern....well, concerns me.

"Um...Well. I-i" i start to begin.

"Forget it. Where are you?" She cuts me off.

"Vancouver" i cringe over her future reaction.

"Okay" she breaths.

I hang up the phone.

I give it back to the lady.

"Thankyou" i smile. She smiles back.

I turn around. I go find a bench near by.


Isabell's p.o.v

Im home now. Ive been home for awhile. I couldnt stop thinking about Shawn the whole car ride here.

Just this morning ....he was just a guy on my phone. Now hes a guy in my life.

I smile.

I wonder if he made it home safe?

I smile...i pull up my blankets and go to sleep.

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