Twenty-Eight: Home, Who That May Be

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As if Ben hasn't blamed himself enough already. . .

Rey viewed the agriculture of the city, eying the palace specifically. She wondered how long they'll be staying there. It was enormous in its width. The walls were colored one similar to the soft rose gold of what remained of the falling sun. It was topped off with a glass, soft green dome ceiling like the many others that surrounded it. The whole city beneath them was crowded with people living their lives in peace. All of Naboo stunned Rey, just to be fortunate to see more what was on this side of the galaxy.

Chewie started landing the ship on the launch pad where red lights outlined the perimeter. Rey helped him with the controls and just in a few minutes, they steadily made it down. People wandered around, noticing the ship's landing. Most recognized the ship, which Rey asked because they were part of the Resistance who were waiting for their arrival on Naboo.

Here comes this part.

Chewbacca exited the cockpit without a word or sound, knowing the man that was once so close to him, the boy he loved as his nephew was dead asleep.

Rey stood up after Chewie, stepping in front of the sleeping Ben. His head was tilted to the left, thick tangled locks cascading over his closed eyes. Rey took a moment to reflect on this side of a man she'd once thought so vile, but lost. Moments of rage she had witnessed, taken fact that once he (reluctantly) opened himself to her, she understood how those emotions that once overtook were a defense against his actions and the reasons behind them. And here he was, so calm and vulnerable. Her favorite version of him.

Back in the throne room before she escaped, Rey first saw what this sight was. How surreal it was to see this very completely polar opposite side of him. This part of him would be one of the rare signs that proved he was human. That the gentleness and innocence of his face and the shape of his body proves he wasn't some monster.

Eventually, she rested a hand on Ben's broad shoulder, lightly shaking him with just enough momentum to ease him into waking up. "Ben," she whispered, "we're here."

And Ben, the solider in him felt the change in weight from Rey's hand on his shoulder and jerked out of sleep. His hair whipped away from his face and his body shifted from the slanted position it had taken in the chair. He was startled for a quick second, taking notice of his surroundings and once he found Rey standing above him, he was fully aware of their situation.

They've made it to Naboo.

Ben leaned forward, he propped his elbows on his knees. He dig his fingers into his eyes, wiping the sleep from them. "About time," he said, making no effort to hide the dread in his voice.

Rey sighed, understanding what he felt. She didn't want to pressure him into doing something he was uncomfortable with. Still, they couldn't stay here in the cockpit of the Millennium Flacon forever. The others must be getting off by now, meeting the others—his mother amongst them waiting for her son to return to her.

And so she asked him, "You ready?"

Ben stretched his back as it screamed at him in ache after waking up in that weird angle on the chair. He rested his hands in his lap, staring at them with no response. Not the kind of response Rey was asking for.

And then, he found himself watching Rey push her hand in between his bigger ones and intertwined them together.

He lifted his head, his eyes meeting hers immediately. Hazel. All the hope about these next moments were there in those two orbs. Hazel. The reassurance and support of everything that will come. Hazel. It was as if everything Ben couldn't bring himself to say is there with her, guiding him down this path that will truly prove the man he was trying to be now. That's when Ben knew he didn't have to give her an answer.

Equilibrium (Reylo)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora