Twenty-One: In Too Deep

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The moment that the Millennium Falcon jumped out of light speed, they found themselves flying right before the big, dull Star Destroyer

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The moment that the Millennium Falcon jumped out of light speed, they found themselves flying right before the big, dull Star Destroyer. Luckily, there were no ships that came out of it right away so they could save fighting for another time. They remained straight ahead on course, heading directly toward the ship. Though, they were being pulled in by a kind of magnetic pull and allowed it to happen. This did raise some brows amongst the group.

"Are you sure about this?" Finn asked, sitting behind Chewbacca inside the cockpit.

"You didn't want to go with my idea," Rey said, flipping a few controls beside her.

"Because it was a reckless, dangerous, not to mention overtly stupid—"

"And this is better than crashing in."

Chewbacca glanced at Rey's direction, growling beside her. I have a bad feeling about this.

"Look, I know what I'm doing, Chewie," she told him, switching the controls to autopilot.

Rey unbuckled herself and stood up from her seat to leave the cockpit. Finn noticed Chewie was doing the same thing and decided to go after her. "Wait, where are you going?"

"I'm just getting a few things," she told him. "You and Rose get Artoo and hide under the floorboards."

"What about the ship?"

"You really worry about this ship. I put it on autopilot," she answered, "just meet me down there."

"Hope this idea of yours works out."

Rey nervously lifted her hand to her hair, running a hand down the braid. "I hope so too."

The whole group hid under the floor while the ship docked inside the Star Destroyer. Rey didn't know how long exactly they'll have to hide there. She just knew they need to wait just long enough for the Stormtroopers to do a sweep inside and leave when they realized no one was in there.

Rey listened to the footsteps clatter back and forth above her head. She placed her palm against her mouth, feeling the pressure to keep quiet. She glanced at Chewie and R2 for comfort, praying this all worked out. That once this part was over she'll move on to finding Ben. But that was the harder part. Finding where they're keeping him.

After what felt like hours, Rey lifted her head up when she thought she couldn't hear any more noises. She lifted her fingers up to the panel and lifted it just an inch or two above her head and saw Finn doing the same thing beside her. He lifted his brows at her, probably asking her if she thought the Stormtroopers were gone. She nodded slightly, and at the same time, they lifted the panels up.

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