xii. to the end of the earth

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    It had been a few hours, and the two siblings were speaking to each other about what was going on as they sat on opposite sides of the room. Raymen sat where he'd normally be sleeping in the nighttime, and Lidia sat where Quincey would now be sleeping. Which begged the question, if Lidia ended up staying there, where would she sleep? It was nott like there were any beds. But, regardless, each of them were happy to see the other still alive. They caught up, and were excited for spending their lives together, reunited by hope. Everyone was feeling their blissful life.

"So, you were gone for over three months, what happened?" Raymen asked, curiously.

"Well, I was with a group of people my age, we were generally only trying to save ourselves from the war between Narvla and Jeros. Everything was grey for us back then,"

"Well, if everything was grey then, than this world is a pitch black spherical figure of doom." Raymen said.

Lidia wanted to somehow believe there was good in the world. Not because she believed in a blissful life, but only because she thought that it would be rational to think this way. If you subtract something from another thing, the other thing would be no longer there. If you take away, subtract, the bad things in life, should the outcome not be pure and graceful? But, somehow, the humans had to cheat the system, making it only worse then before? It only made sense from a logical standpoint in her eyes.

"So, what about you?" She asked, curiously. "Where have you been?"

"Well," Raymen began, "I made some bad friends from the city-area of our hometown," he began, "which is how I managed to escape." He admitted. "I joined them into escaping into Asia three days prior to Sileo Day, and we then lurked around after the day of mass murdering our population to slim to none, and colonized this little area of land. But, we left because someone in our group somehow got a hold of the needed information, but, I am not surprised, I am pretty much the only person in the group who has yet to commit a crime."

Lidia had no words, only extreme happiness. The only crime that Raymen had committed was not attending the mass murder day to be executed.

They continued talking non-stop until the words were slim. Until they could no longer speak to each other about anything, because they knew almost everything about each other. They were happy that they had somehow managed to find each other, and that was all that the two cared about at this world. Honestly, the world could swallow humanity whole, and they wouldn't care.

"So, Quincey's coming soon, I'd recommend you sleep on the floor for tonight, before I can actually find you a real room. It's better then-roaming the halls alone for an entire night." Raymen said, and then Lidia agreed. Getting off the bed, and then went to sleep on the floor.

Quincey came back, and then sent a side glare at Raymen, and then went straight to bed, and fell asleep. He was feeling tired, but was ultimately just needing his sleep in those moments. The double-agent really just wanted to be with his people, not with anyone else. He only hoped that him going hunting for food with Raya would eliminate some of the mystery surrounding the death of one of their own.

The three slept peacefully for the whole night. The next morning, Raymen, Quincey, Raya and Lidia all adorned guns on their bodies, along with extra knives on their pockets. They were ready for anything. If anyone came after them, it would be something the predator would end of ruing forever.

Raya looked at the three others who were going to come along with her. "Alright, just follow me," she said. Being the leader of the group, she felt it to be natural to lead the way, and make sure everyone was okay. No one would be left behind in this expedition.

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