i. the sinner circle

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     Just saying, there is going to be weird technology. The one thing you need to know is that now, in the timeline of the story, there are guns which are specially designed for making people unconscious. That's really it.
     Also, it might be a little weird reading it at the beginning, since it jumps around everywhere, but I trust you, it gets better.

     Three years before Sileo Day. There were five nations left. That was what the earth had whittled down to, with a bunch of paperwork and useless shit like that. A dark light in the darkest hours of the night pressed against everyone's souls, as people were wondering how to get out of the situation.

    Two of the towns in the United States were at war, Narvla, and Jeros. Located side-by-side in Texas. They'd been renamed from their past names, to try and give a sense of a new earth.

    Technically, both places, two year prior, had removed themselves from the staple of the United State's being, but, the two had split even more. It was originally the two which had formed one new country, Narvlos, but, the two sides had each adapted their own ways, and wanted to keep things separate, thus, the war had broken out 3 months ago.

    "Come inside," Fiona Abernathy said. Fiona Abernathy was almost like the mother of the group who carried the light-weight guns in her hands. She was nervous for this, a sceptic at best, but she needed a distraction from the war going on. The war that would seemingly go on forever. The two sides would never make peace, and everyone had already accepted it.

    They got into a rusty tent, with the winds high and strong. They were all fearing for their lives in the damned place known as Narvla.

    The group sat down together in a circle, and Fiona looked at everyone else. "Who wants to go first?"

    "I don't think that's how roulette is played," Lidia said. She did not know them too well, but she was trying to make it home, before they took ber in. Where was she even going off from? Who knew, but they did not care. They just wanted to get this over with.

    "Well then, how is it played?" Fiona asked, curiosity running through her veins. She did not want anyone to die, and luckily, they promised that the most of the guns damage, would likely just result in a lengthy coma, so, she kept her hopes up.

    "Well, if my research is correct, you spin the gun, and whoever it points to has to go." Lidia said, scratching the back of her head as she spoke, and that was exactly what Fiona did.

    Hesitantly, she set the gun down on the flat gravel, as she then spun the gun around, her heart stomping on every other beat, as she feared that she'd have to go first, especially since she did not know of the affects. So, she wanted to see it. But, she did not want anyone to go and do this, but they had to, to escape possible death from the war. To at least hide themselves.

    And finally, after 3 minutes, the gun came to halt, and her worst fears reigned true.

    It picked her as the first victim.

    She paused for five long seconds, before turning to her peers, to which Jasper gave a nod. Not because he wanted this to happen, but only because he was scared, but since Fiona was allowing this to happen, allowing everyone to gamble on their lives and wait for the devastating outcome of possibly a long-term coma, or even worse, death, he allowed it to happen. He trusted her, and if it came to death, well... Let's just say, his ghost would be killing Fiona, that was for certain.

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