vii. to hell, luke

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Raymen stood against the building, looking around. He was observing everything that he came across, and was just taking in the view. Being very quiet, like usual.

    He had not seen Leo in a few days, and was not even sure where they stood. He did not really share any feelings towards the person. He was more so intrigued by Quincey, to be honest, considering Quincey just came in out of no where, without meeting him. But, he turned to see his people hanging out together. He knew them, and found them at a rough time in his life. Though, something else that made him curious, was the fact that his sister was still out there.

    A girl approached him, the same person who had caught him with Leo the few days earlier, walked over to him. "Hey," she said, a little nervously.

    "Hey," He said, nervously.

    "I know what happened between the two of you, and it's okay if you miss him."

    "I don't miss him. I was honestly just intrigued." Leo admitted to his one friend. He looked down, and just looked at the girl, "I just want him back, because I wanted to be his friend,"

    "Sure, and that's why you went in his pants."

    "Uh, that's not what happened. It might have looked like that, but all it was, was making out, and that's it." Leo explained.

    "Sure," She said.

    "Yeah, I'm telling the truth."

    "Alright, alright." She said, "anyways, we're all going to get more ammunition because your friend stole four or five of our guns, so we're down to twelve. We need way more, an army of them, so we need to get going on this. Wanna come?"

    "Yeah," Raymen said, and then he began to return to his group, and they walked out the gates, and closed them as well, as they departed from their home, to walk off, but, Raya, the girl who was talking to Raymen earlier, had mysteriously disappeared from their sight, leaving them to have to fend for themselves, as they reached their ammunition site. She had an idea, a bad idea, but an idea nonetheless.


    Tobias sat at his desk. Due to some delays, the cameras had yet to be set up, and they needed to get started on this plan as soon as possible. He was waiting for Alisha to arrive back from her day-job. Which was what exactly? No one even knew, not even Alisha would reveal her burdens onto the always-supportive Tobias, who risked his own life for others.

    Alisha got home, and then kissed Tobias on the cheek, before walking over to her side, and then looked at Tobias. "So, what are we going to do?"

    "I don't know, but, all I know is that we need to start a campaign against Luke, subtly, because we all know that he loves to keep track of what everyone is doing. So, we can't do it out in the open."

    "Yeah," Alisha nodded, "we'll be playing with fire if he finds out." And Tobias nodded.

"We need to start off with Rosalind. It's clear that she's in an unhappy marriage, that she hates life living with the selfish, arrogant Luke." Tobias admitted.

"Yeah," Alisha said, "and then she could persuade some others, and they could persuade others, until it becomes a train of people asking to join us?" Alisha suggested, "and at the end, we'll watch him burn?"

"Yeah, but do we want to take the space station down with us?"

"Well, it is his creation. We need to go back to the ground, which, we have no technology for." Alisha stated, confidently. "So, we could tie him to a chair, and set fire to the gasoline. Metaphorical gasoline."

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