iii. escape plan

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The announcement had just been made, the day that the mass killing of several humans would happen. It was morbid, but, they couldn't simply dare to leave them alone, helpless and by themselves, could they?

    The masses were in a panic, as everyone ran around screaming that they'd all be dead in less then an full day. It all was very scary to them. While some were off on a yelling spree, panicking about their doom, some sat there, calm and as quiet as possible, and some were just hiding their fears and doubts pretty well.

    Beatrice picked her phone up, wanting to see if the friend of hers was okay, "Zara?" She asked, "are you okay?" Beatrice asked, nervously. It was not as if she dared to have feelings for anyone, she preferred short-term hookups, but, she was concerned for her friend who she'd met doing certain acts that some would be uncomfortable with during the fateful windy night.

    "Yeah, I am," Zara said hastily, as if she was running out of time, when the truth was that she wanted to get as far away from the entrance as possible. Her heavy breathing was clearly audible from the speaker-phone that boomed from Beatrice's cellular device. "I have a way out."

    "You do?" Beatrice asked, "me too, but mine's a lot more murderous." Beatrice said.

    "Well, what's your plan?"

    "There's gotta be vents, right? I could get a fake ID, kill of someone random from the group of 200 going, and then get in as them,"

    "But wouldn't that not mean you'd end up in space?" The person on the other line, running to protect herself, questioned.

    "No, you see, there's laws that mean that there has to be a way out, so before they leave, I'd jump out, but they'd think I'm them,"

    "Look Bea, you forgot one minor detail, these people are the important people, who they know the name of,"

    "Unless I go as ma famous DJ who has never shown their face before, like Jassica." Beatrice said.

    "Bea, my plan is full-proof, just get to the Lockness Woods in fifty." Zara explained, without even mentioning any details.

    Beatrice thought that Zara knew what she was doing, "Oh, and tell Archie that his sister is safe,"

    This peeked his interest. His sister was safe? For real? How could she possibly know? But, he was curious for this, because his sister had been missing, with no body found for a few days. How could she be trusted? But, if there was any chance of finding his sister, he'd be down for it.

    "Alright, let's get to the Lockness Woods," Archie said. He did not mind that he'd have to end up staying the night in the middle of an abandoned woods, as long as he survived.

    The Lockness Woods was a very hard place to find. It was for the wealthy, but the only reason Beatrice knew of its existence was because it was also the place for illegal drug trades, which her best friend, Zara, knew quite a lot about. Only those who'd stumble upon it could know of it, since all that it really was, was a legend. An old wives tale of sorts that came around a few years back.

    The two went back into Archie's house, and then got two backpacks full. They each contained a sleeping bag, with Archie's having a third, along with blankets, pillows, and a bunch of food and water. Along with some pop as well. It was almost as if they were packing for the apocalypse.

    They then walked back out, and saw the commotion on the streets. Now was a wise time to leave, since because of the commotion, it'd be hard to spot them.

    They saw the commotion go to extreme lengths - police had to intervene fights and calm down riots. Police would mace people and use deadly gases to calm everyone. It was a mess. A shitshow. But, what else would you expect from the populous when they find out there's a 99% chance of them dying?

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