iv. out of the bunker

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    The people in the abandoned train, them being Archie, Beatrice, Zara, Mare, and a few others looked at the rocket being launched as their sign of getting our of the ruined place they'd been hiding in. They screamed and rioted their way out of the old train station, and onto the pathways of the forest.

    From his nuclear bunker held for the only royalty there, Quincey could hear the ambient noises coming from the rioting bunch. He saw the wheel that he'd have to pull to get out, and got out of the comfortable positon he was in, and then went to turn the wheel, to reach the new civilization.

    He faced them, and then the new colony of travelling people without anymore homes immediately stopped. Their faces turned blank as they saw royalty. Was the whole thing staged? Were they just caught? No knew in this moments what was going on, but, people were wanting answers, that was for sure.

    Zara's first initial thought, was that someone was after them. "Please, don't tell us you're here to kidnap us, and take us to your leader?"

"We're not aliens." He said, "I came back from the royalty bunker for a potential nuclear apocalypse."

"Well consider this a nuclear apocalypse and you're the first one to be cannibalized." Beatrice explained.

"Anyways, I came out of the bunker to roam until my doom." Quincey said. Though, he did have high hopes for him to not die in the wild, due to his already extensive knowledge on surviving in these circumstances. He knew how to hunt down animals, and whilst he wasn't all for it, he knew that this needed to happen.

    "So, wait, the prince wasn't allowed to be on the spacecraft? Instead, his father allowed him to be sent to his grave?" Archie asked.

    "Yeah, I know." Quincey said, "but, what matters now is that we survive." Quincey said. Quincey was determined to be a leader for them, even if they already had one.

    "Alright," Beatrice said. "In this new world, we're going to have to stay together."

    "Well, we're going to stay in here," some of Zara's friends, the ones who knew of Archie's sisters whereabouts, said, before going back into the abandoned train.

    This left Quincey, Mare, Zara, Archie, and Beatrice all alone, in the middle of the dramatic forest as they looked for what to do next.


    Eyes fluttered open, and they looked confused around the wooden place they'd been confined to for the last... who knew how long? It was Fiona who had gone out first, and she was the first to have awoken. She had awoken very quickly from her near-death experience. She could still remember everything to this day, and still felt the moment very vividly in her chest; racing heartbeat, heavy breathing, everything. It was engraved in her mind like the wars that came before the tragedy.

    How could they have survived all alone, without food, water, air? How could they survive without their nutrients? Fiona was the first one to be awoken. What did she do? Work her ass off, providing everyone with the things that they needed to survive. She gave them water, fed them, and all to protect them. She kept them constantly hydrated, and made for no one was unheard from. She constantly watched over them, instead of returning to civilization. She did it, all for them.

    "You're awake, Adrian." Fiona said softly.

    "Yeah, how long have we been out for?"

    "Uh.. I don't know. I would parents are all worried sick, it's been months, and that's all that I can assume, because of how many nights and days that there've been." Fiona said.

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