Chapter 30: Sports and Other Types of Hurt

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Hades smiled with something that looked like triumph before moving away from Shang.

"That's only part of what I wanted to tell you." His face was turned away from his player. "We have to give our all to this match. You, of all people will understand."

"I understand perfectly well, Coach Hades. The team and I will make sure we give our all into this battle. We shall-"

"I believe you when you speak with such courage, General. It's admirable. It's why I gave you this post. do know we have to do all we can to win this."

"Believe me, I do."

"And which is why the girl can simply not play that day."

"Underst.... what?!"

"Come on now, don't be like that." Hades finally turned back to look at him. "It's going to be a serious game that day. Do you really want us to show up with...with... a girl?"

"But, sir. Mulan is a good player. And I'm not just simply saying it, I've seen her play. You've seen her play. She's very good. Maybe even better than most of us, I admit it."

"I have nothing against your girlish friend, Mr. Li. She is a wonderful player, I do comment. And there sure is nothing wrong with her playing skills. It's just that... She is a she. Understand that. I'm sure that there is a rule governing that-"

"There is no rule. Who made it?"

"It is unspoken of. The same unspoken rule of football. At the FIFA World Cup Games. Do you ever see a female there? It's how it's meant to be. Men in these finales. Go ask LeBron James if you have a problem with what I'm telling you."

Shang found himself going weak. "So, she won't be allowed to play?" His voice became hoarse. "She'll be crushed. It's things like these She's spent over a month fighting for."

"She didn't think she'd win it, did she? She got what she wanted. The only girl on the Disney Basketball team. But if she ever thinks she's going embarrass our pride out there, She's got another thing coming."

Shang looked down, heaving slightly.

"Think about it Shang. We all like her as a player. But think about it, did you really picture her playing with us in large tournaments? As the only female? Did you really see it?"

Shang couldn't even answer. Really, could he see her playing in big games with them? Worst, against Pixar?

She was a super player and all but in these kind of cases, they had to play safe. Indeed, maybe the Disney team could encounter setbacks if they tried their luck. And he, as the General, couldn't let that happen.

"You'll have to break the news to her, General."

"I have to?"

"Who else would? Certainly not I. It would crush her." He sent a sly smile and looked towards the door where, as if on cue, the players marched in, Mulan in the lead.
"You got this, General." He patted Shang on the shoulder them turned to the boys.

"Players! Lazy bones. You finally show up!" He stretched his arms open, as if willing to embrace them. "Now, come over, come over! We have to discuss something-" his eyes flew to Mulan. "Er... private. Come over here."

Tarzan let out a savage growl as the team walked over to their coach.

Mulan walked over to her friend.

"So, General,  what's up?" She punched his arm lightly. When his mood turned gloomy all of a sudden, she frowned. "What's up, really?"

"Mulan-" he couldn't even meet her gaze. Giving the coach one last look, he began to run the back of his neck.

"Tell me. What's wrong? What did the coach say?"

He took a deep breath. The truth? But she'll be so down-hearted.

"The thing is that...uh..."

Mulan's eyebrows nearly jammed together, waiting for an answer eagerly.

"The thing is...the match was cancelled."

For a moment there, there was nothing but cold silence. Then... "you're kidding me, right?"

Shang took another deep breath. Was this really the right thing to do? "No, I'm not."

Mulan scoffed, threw her head back and crossed her arms. "Yes, you are. How can you tell me the match was cancelled? Coach Hades just said-"

"Yeah, but the thing is..." coming up with lies was so hard. "He didn't know how to tell us. He thought our hearts would be broken. That's why he called for the boys. To tell them about it."
Yeah, Shang. Everything's falling into place. Better this way.

Mulan suddenly looked serious. "Really, though. That's sad. And I really had hope."

"He says it's good for  us. That we can finally focus on the semester. So...we would not even be rehearsing again. Yeah. That's sad."

"Oh wow." She looked bummed out for a moment then tried to peek over Shang's shoulders to see what Hades was saying. He quickly blocked her view.

"Hades says he doesn't want you to know. That it'll hurt you most of all. Because of your... your..."

"Feminine emotions?"


Mulan huffed. "Still a bit too chauvinistic if I do say so. I feel like I still need to hear it from him-"

"I was asked to be the one to break it to you. Since he says we were the closest."

"Shoots!" She kicked the floor with the toe of her sneakers. "That sucks."

"I know. And no practice? It really sucks. But there's always next year. We'll start again."

It did get him thinking if he'd have  to keep on lying to Mulan over and over again if any other important match would come up.

"I have to quickly tell the guys something. I'll meet up with you later."

"I can come, Shang-"

"Not while the coach is here, Mulan, remember?" He put out his arms to hold her back. "No offence. He does like you a lot. That's why he doesn't want to hurt your feelings. You get?"

"Fine. Not fair, but fine. And it's alright. We can even have enough time to rest and then practice for the next one."

"Look who's thinking on the bright side. Now, go along. I'll meet up with you later. Cool?"

"I guess." She shrugged. "But, darn it, I'll really miss this sport." She then leaned in and patted his arm. "See you around."

Shang let out a heavy breath. It was alright. What she didn't know wouldn't hurt her, right.

He had to quickly go and tell the guys in the team. If he wanted all to go as planned, he'd need their full co-operation.

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