Eclipse: Elucidating Argument

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"Well, aren't you incredible," she says breathlessly, and I, after a brief amount of surprise, accept the compliment. "Such craftsmanship! A bit of a mess with all of that blood on you, but that's fixable. You haven't been x-rayed yet? Well, let's remedy that!" I, following instructions, lay still as a machine scans me, resisting the urge to shove it away. Once it is done, the woman, who I can only assume is Professor Ayers, makes a tutting sound.

"Hmm. That would explain the remaining discomfort. I can't see past your red crests, but that's a rather unmistakable hunk of metal in your shoulder. There's a strange glow to it--I wonder why." I blink, surprised that she's talking to me and unnerved by the new information. "But, we'll get that out easily enough. How well do anesthetics work on you, do you know?" I shake my head, not knowing the answer to her question. "Well, it can't be helped. We'll use small increments and find out. Can you speak?"

I nod and, in response to her confused 'then why are you not?' face, gesture towards Shadow, exaggeratedly rolling my eyes. After a moment of comprehension, the Professor laughs, shaking her head.

"I should have known," she chortles. "You've got quite the personality. I suppose I can't ask your name, but I look forward to learning it." I beam at her, delighted to have finally met a human who treats me with appropriate respect. She carefully examines me all over, but she makes constant comments expressing her amazement at me, so I do not mind too much. Time passes without problems, but I do have a slight apprehension about her drawing my blood.

"It doesn't hurt," she promises, coaxing my arm towards her. "It just feels a like a big pinch." I shy away, avoiding the large, glass needle needed to take a sample of my extremely acidic blood. I am not afraid of the pain; I just do not want the sharp tip invading my flesh. "You're going to have to deal with it at some point," she points out, and I cross my arms, looking away with a huff as my shoulder twinges. She laughs again, holding the needle by her side.

"Ah, this is refreshing," she says, smiling. "Shadow's very cooperative, but he doesn't interact with people very much. He just sits there like a stone and accepts everything. You, on the other hand, seem quite obstinate. I like it!"

"He is very stubborn," Shadow comments, finally paying attention, and I glare at him.

Not as much as you, you hypocritical rockhead, I think, making sure he hears me through the connection he left open. It is very frustrating, but, without my powers, I cannot form one by myself, forcing me to rely on him remaining in contact, which he has so far. Though, when I think about it, he may not even realize that he has yet to sever our mindlink, the inexperienced ignoramus. Now, stop mussing up my affairs.

'Hypocritical rockhead'? He asks, sounding almost amused.

That was a nice term. I could use another one, if you would like.

I'm good.

That is debatable. I see you as quite villainous.

It's an expression. And, I am not. I--

Perspective, Shadow, I say, cutting him off before he can start ranting.You know how our kind feels about you. I withdraw from the contact before he can respond, putting out my arm for the needle in order to distract myself. If the silence before from him was light, it is now moody, and I can sense how he is wrestling between how he feels and how he knows I feel.

The interaction with Shadow, like every one I have had recently, awakens a plethora of confused feelings inside me. Beneath my deceptively calm exterior, repressed anger lurks, and a deeper pain lies beneath that. Deep within me is pure, heart-breaking hurt at Shadow's betrayal. It squeezes my chest and forms an empty pit in my core. With it comes bitterness and confusion, a melancholy turmoil swirling slowly through me.

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