The Birthday Party

Start from the beginning

There had been a few dates and meetings over the years, but the truth was, she just felt no connection to them.  And nor did she like the desire in their eyes for her wealth and position, which was so obvious in the first few minutes of meeting them, that she had rudely cut the meetings short.

But as she left the tavern with Mi Gu, she wondered if perhaps she had forgotten about yet another match making date her mother had set up for her again.  Though that wouldn't make her that mad, she thought to herself.

"Gu Gu.  Did you forget?  It is the Heavenly Lords Birthday and you were meant to attend as the representative from Qing Qiu,  Your mother sent back a missive confirming your attendance.  In our world, the Party started an hour ago and your mother is furious." he said as they quickly fled to the Immortal worlds barrier, that would allow them to cloud jump.

"His birthday?  But I didn't know anything about it." she said as they flew back to the Fox Den. 

"Your mother probably didn't think you would disappear.  She was going to accompany you herself so you would not get lost in the maze of corridors again." he said with a small grin, but she understood the innuendo.  The gossip about her never really died down, but she knew how important an event like this one was.  

The Heavenly Lord only celebrated his birthday once every ten thousand years, though it was known to everyone, that it was a means to get the Leaders of the world together to strengthen alliances and to meet the new up and coming Leaders in a friendly and happy environment, and as the Queen of Qing Qiu, the largest and most wealthiest of them all, it was expected that she would attend.  Her parents had attended every single one of them, so to not attend, would be seen as exceptionally rude and cause offense.

Racing into the den and past her brother and father, while ignoring their outrage and demands that she explain herself, she quickly threw on her best dress, and quickly did up her hair.  She really only wore it one way, sides up and the rest left to flow freely about her body.

Then racing back out into the main room with the intention of cloud jumping directly to the Celestial Heavens,  she was finally forced to a halt by her father.

"Xiao Wu.  This is unforgivable.  You know this event is one you must attend, your position in the world demands your presence, you knew this the day you took on the mantel of Queen.  How dare you embarrass us like this." he scolded her harshly.

Wanting only to leave before her mother arrived and went absolutely berserk at her, she quickly threw her arms around her fathers shoulders.  She had learned from a very young age, that to still her fathers anger before he completely lost it, all she had to do was look cute, contrite and hug him.  Which is exactly what she did, while Bai Zhen who was looking on, quickly dragged him off her laughing.

"Come on, I will escort you, if you leave now, there will still be time enough to get away with being fashionably late." he said as he quickly dragged her from the den before her father could protest or even take a second breath.

"Zhen Zhen, I honestly didn't know about the Birthday Party, mother didn't tell me." she said as they flew rapidly through the air at great speed.

"I know, but mother didn't realize you would disappear.  She didn't tell you because she thought you might run away, she planned on telling you minutes before you had to leave." he laughed as he conjured a small gift box and handed it to her.

"Zhen Zhen, thank you.  I understand the importance of attending the function, I would have prepared for it myself." she said looking down at the gift she was to give The Heavenly Lord on behalf of Qing Qiu.  Though as was the Fox Clans way, the gift was unsigned.  They never gave gifts with their names attached, as she deemed it too prideful and pretentious.  A gift should be given without the need for gratitude or pomp.

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