Bottled Up Anger (1)

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The sun is peaking out the window, it is bright and warm. The way it's shinning tells me today will turn out lovely. I was currently cooking breakfast for my family. My heart felt happy and giddy while I was frying some eggs. It was my anniversary today. I knew it was selfish to think, but I was expecting a present from my husband. I knew he would probably come home late from the office, but I would wait patiently for him until he came home.

I thought about putting some heart shaped rice balls in his lunch, and also thought about what kind of cake I should bake for us to eat later that night. I was in a happy mood and felt excited. I continued cooking and fantasizing about how the day would go until my youngest child woke up.

"Morning . . . Mommy . . . Oh, and happy anniversary . . ." She says sleepily, while rubbing her eyes.

I giggled at her "happy anniversary" comment. It fills me with warmth and happiness. "Thank you. Good morning, Himawari. Did you sleep well?"

She stretches, and is now fully awake. "Yup! I had a dream about flying to the moon! It was so much fun!"

"That sounds interesting. Could you help me over here with breakfast? Your father and Boruto should be waking up soon."


"I'm leaving now." My husband says, heading to the door.

I run up to him, "Naruto-kun! Don't forget your lunch!"

"Oh, thank you, Hinata."

I look at him affectionately. I want to tell him that today is our anniversary. Since this morning he hasn't said anything about it. Has he forgotten? Maybe he's just a little tired. "Dear . . ."

"Hm? What is it?"

"Today . . . is our anniversary . . ." I laugh a little, trying to pretend it isn't a big deal.

"Oh, really? That's cool. Well I have to go now, bye." He closes the door and leaves.

I was stunned and felt a little hurt. Our anniversary was a day so special to us. Usually, as soon as Naruto-kun woke up, he would say he loved me and "happy anniversary, Hinata", with his goofy, handsome smile. He'd throw me into a loving embrace and kiss me, saying he was the luckiest man in the world to have me. We would go on a date, or just stay home together, and I would make a cake.

I remember one year, since he went on a mission that day, he sent Konohamaru to give me his anniversary gift. He gave me a huge bouquet of flowers, with camellias, roses, tulips, chrysanthemums . . . There were so many I couldn't name all of them at once.

I continued to reminisce about the past until my thoughts came to a stop. I'm getting more spoiled every year. This shouldn't be bothering me. But still . . . not even an "I love you"? or "happy anniversary"? No, I shouldn't think like that. Naruto-kun is just extremely exhausted from work, he can't think straight when he's tired. He wouldn't forget about our anniversary. He would come home today at some point, and when he did, I would be there, and he would tell me he loved me and happy anniversary then.

I walk back to the kitchen, acting like nothing happened. I look over to my children, they are still eating. I sigh loudly, trying to ease my mind.

"Kids, hurry up an finish your food, okay? Boruto, you need to hurry and go to school."

Boruto looks at the clock, "Shoot! I'm late!" He stuffs all the food on his plate, grabs his bag, and runs out the door. "Thanks for breakfast mom! And happy anniversary!"

His comment makes me smile, "Be careful!" I yell, looking back at him.

"Bye-bye, Big Brother!" Himawari says.

I turn over to look at Himawari. She is still eating, she chews slowly and thoroughly.

I take some of the food I cooked earlier and sit next to her. "Mommy is going to eat with you, okay Himawari?"

She nods and smiles at me, "uh-huh!"

After breakfast, I start doing my daily chores. Washing dishes, cleaning the house, and playing with Himawari. Although I feel a bit bitter from my husband's words earlier, I still make a cake. I didn't want to make it look too extravagant, so it turned out to look very simple. It was covered with white icing, had strawberries around the rim, and on the center it wrote, "Happy Anniversary!" in chocolate.

While I was writing "Happy Anniversary" on the cake, I had a big smile on my face. All of my worries were swept away when I thought about Naruto-kun coming home.

"Mommy is so happy today!" Himawari says.

"Yes . . . Mommy is very happy today . . ." I look at her and stroke her hair, "Its a day that Mommy treasures, very much."


It is evening now. The day has gone by quickly. I've made dinner, tucked my children into their beds, and now they are asleep. Himawari made me an origami flower and crane for an anniversary present. Boruto gave me a new ball of yarn, for my knitting.

At the moment I am sitting at our dining room table. I am using the ball of yarn my son gave me to knit. I don't know what I am knitting, right now it looks like a big square. Maybe it will be a blanket. I set my needles down, and look around the room, it is very quiet. My husband is not home yet.

I am beginning to feel worried. Not because he is not here for our anniversary—no, actually I am a little worried about that. How could he forget? If he had told me "happy anniversary, Hinata" maybe that would have made my heart full. Even if he just said "I love you" when he went out the door, that would've made me feel complete. Is it selfish of me? Is it wrong for me to want that?

I shake my head, trying to clear my thoughts. I continue knitting, trying to think happy things, but they are blurred out. It seems a bit strange to me that he hasn't come home. Usually, if he needs to stay in the office for the night, he comes home to get an extra pair of clothes. So why isn't he here? How long will I have to wait? I eventually lay my head on the table, and fall asleep without even noticing.

I wake up the next morning, still in the same spot. My kitting needles are in front of me, the ball of yarn, and the square I knitted. Naruto-kun never came that night.

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