Will you be my boyfriend?

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(The video is the mv they did together. You know the one they've been working on throughout this story.)

"Oh my gods we're basically done man!" Says Jooheon.
"Just a few tweaks here and their and it's ready."
Jooheon plays on his phone as I.M makes their rap perfect. After a while of hearing constant replies of the song and correcting things I.M finally saves his work before turning to Jooheon.

"Man I'm finally done."
Jooheon looks up from his phone and smiles.
"Finally!" Jooheon says putting a hand on I.M's leg. "All we have to do is shoot a music video."
"It's going to be lit dude. But we have to hire someone that could film it."
"Hmm I think I might know someone. Kihyun I think. He takes photos really well so why wouldn't he be good at filming?" Jooheon explains.
"I don't think it works like th-"
I.M laughs and extends a hand for Jooheon to take.
"My lady." I.M says.
"Oh my god stop." Jooheon says laughing but takes his hand nonetheless.

Fast forward a couple days and their filming luckily the guy Kihyun agreed but didn't specify how good he is with filming. On the way to the filming sight Jooheon sees a big sucker and stops the car to get it.

"Really Jooheon?" I.M says.
"We could uh use it in video."
"Whatever you say boss." I.M replies.
"You finally realized you place."
I.M stares at Jooheon in confusion before hitting him sending Jooheon into a fit of giggles while Kihyun is rethinking why he agreed to do this.

After a while of them filming it starts raining Jooheon and I.M as while as Kihyun run for shelter but the rain doesn't seem to let up so Kihyun suggest  filming in the rain as long as theirs no lightning.
We walk back into the raining scene and I.M suggests I go on his back when I do I start laughing feeling my heart be a bit faster without knowing that Kihyun was filming the whole time.

"Good job everyone! Especially me because I could've said no so be thankful and give me my money please." Kihyun urges a smile on his face at the mere word money. We give him his fair pay and make our way to my place.

When we arrive at my place we take turns showering and I allow I.M to wear my clothes but tell him if he didn't return them that I won't hesitate bitch. While we're watching tv we definitely were just like two guy chillin' five feet apart cause we're not gay. We hear a knock on the door I open it and see Minhyuk. He walks in and says.

"Jooheon can I speak to you." He looks at I.M. "Alone."
"Oh shit man yeah what's up?" I asks worried.
Minhyuk walks into my bedroom and shuts the door as he does he starts crying. I run over to him.
"Whoa, whoa what's wrong." I put a hand on his shoulder.
"Don't touch me." He says his voice sightly raised.
"Calm down and talk me what's wrong."
Minhyuk sniffs and is silent for moment.
"You love him don't you." Minhyuk states.
"Excuse me? Who?"
"Don't be dumb the man sitting on your couch."
I blush. "Ah him, well I do really like him but we're not dating or anything. Also why are you acting like we're still a thing."
"Because! Because I still want you! When you told me you didn't want to date anymore I still did! I've been using Shownu to try and get over you but it's not working, it's not working I still have these feelings for you I still love you! Please don't date I.M please come back to me!"
"M-Minhyuk you..You've been using Shownu?"
"Well yeah."
"Are you kidding me? He is an amazing person and he's a soft person I can't believe you would do that to him! You think after using him I would want you back? I know you and that's not you you're kind. You wanted to forget me but you did it in all the wrong ways. Minhyuk don't you see you've done more damage and now Shownu's going to be hurt too! You dragged him into your mess when I said I wanted to break up with you I had no intent of getting back. Now leave my house and please figure yourself out before you hurt more people."
Jooheon pushes Minhyuk out of his house while Minhyuk cries and demands him to stop. Once Jooheon shuts and locks the door and he makes his way back to I.M.
"Umm should I ask what just happened?"
Jooheon laughs lightly. "Crazy ex."
"Wait he's your ex?"
"Ohhh. That would explain the dirty glares he gives me."
"He gave you dirty glares?"
"He's nice but he's just going through stuff I actually feel bad for him."
The air around them becomes awkward.
"So um want to continue to watch tv or what?"
"Will you be my boyfriend?"

Thank you for over 100 reads! Also haha yes another cliffhanger

A/NThank you for over 100 reads! Also haha yes another cliffhanger

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