Meeting at the studio

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As I wake up with not so very comfortable bed but soft pillow feeling quite relaxed I slowly start shuffling in bed. I remember hanging out with I.M and.. Shit I feel asleep at his place didn't I. I open my eyes and sure enough I was right. I don't really remember much of how I feel asleep but I do know that I didn't have a blanket on me which means... I.M that fricking cutie. Talking about I.M is he here? I look around and don't see him.
"Hello!" I shout. I get out of his bed and look around his flat he's nowhere to be seen. I walk back to his room to grab my phone and see the time luckily it's only around 10:30am but I also see a text from him.

I.M- So u can probably tell but u fell asleep. I'm out at the studio working on some stuff. If it's not to late you could stop over and oh yeah also you can eat some of my food I won't mind.

Change I.M's name?
Insert new name: I.M a cutie💕

I set my phone down smiling before grabbing a bite before heading to Starbucks. I buy two iced americanos and head to said studio. I knew which one he was talking about because theirs really only one recording studio around this area. I make way to a big sign saying "StarShip studios" I walked down a short hallway to find a door I knocking lightly. I hear music stop and someone coming to the door saying.
"Hi it's me Jooheon!"
The door opens and I see a glimmering I.M he smiles at me and I smile back.
"Come I'm sleeping beauty."
"S-sleeping beauty?"
He just nods his head. "Well at least you can tell I'm beautiful." I snicker.
"But where's the lie?" He says before sitting in this chair, computer in front of him. He hears a rustle of plastic as I move.
"What'ca got their." He says looking down at the bag.
"Oh right I forgot! I got us coffee I hope you like iced americano."
"Oh you got me coffee! And yes I love americano, thank you bro." Him and I do that "bro hug" because you know our "sensitive masculinity."
"You know can just give a normal hug?"
"Well like I didn't know.."
I laugh before taking a long sip of coffee.
"So, what are up to?" I ask out of curiosity.
"I was trying to lay down a beat for a new song."
"Mind if I hear it?" I say biting down on my straw.
He looks at my lips, swallows, looks up at my eyes with his mouth open before saying.
"U-um yeah, yeah. Hold on."
He gets it up and plays it, it's not all that long he must have just started working on it. As it ends I say.
"Not bad man but I wonder.."
"What?" He says tipping his head to the side.
I lean towards him making it easy to see down my shirt.
"If I could make a song with you." I say smirking.
He gulps harshly glancing down my shirt. "That actually sounds lit."
I laugh and lean back in the chair sipping my coffee once again, raising an eyebrow and giving him "those eyes" the ones that say "I want to fuck you."
"Why are you staring at me like that?"
"Like what?" I innocently ( even though we know I'm nasty.)
"Like, like you want something more."
"And whats that?" I reply.
"I-I don't know."
"Why don't you come over here and see." I say seductively, I use one finger to motion him to come closer to me. He gets out of his chair and confidently walks over to me this time he smirks. I grab his shirt quickly pulling him down so we're face to face I look him in the eyes before making his lips meet mine. I know this is sudden but something snapped in me. Instead of not kissing back or being startled he kisses back almost immediately. The way he kisses me makes think he's been wanting this for a while. My plump lips on his slightly thinner ones makes sparks run through my body. We break the kiss breathing hard and I can't tell if I'm breathing hard from kissing or because this man takes my breath away. But when I look back in his eyes he looks shocked.( he was shook lol ) I grab my drink and slurp up the last of my coffee.
"That was... Good really good." I say in low voice touching my lips. He's just sitting looking at his computer mouth open.
"Uh I guess I'll leave." I say realizing he's kind of in shocked. He turns his head and whispers.
I leave the building smiling but also thinking 'what the hell did I just do?' I pull out my phone and message him.

Jooheon- I.M are you gay?

Hahah cliffhanger! I hate cliffhangers but I did one anyways? I hope you guys are happy now that they kissed lol

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