So about that kiss..

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Holy shit did Jooheon just kiss me? Well clearly but... Woah his lips were really soft and he tasted like coffee ( hmm I wonder why? ) I should just forget about this and focus on my music. But then I hear a ding from my phone.

Jooheon- I.M are you gay?

I.M- 🔒🔒

After that awfully short conversation we again didn't talk much and honestly I was focused on music a lot. Okay maybe it was to repress my feelings for him but by now it's been almost a week since we last talked he must be really busy. But on Saturday I get a text from him again.

Jooheon- We gotta talk.

I.M- Shoot what's up?

Jooheon- Really?

I.M- ???

Jooheon- 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️  just come over or actually can I come over to ur place?

I.M- Sure man! 😃

Jooheon- .... Right I'll be over.

A couple minutes later his car drives into the apartment complex parking lot and a few minutes after that I hear a knock on my door. I open the door smiling ( because I know it's Jooheon ) but instead of him returning the smile he scowls. I tip my head to the side ( quite cutely ) in confusion but let him in nonetheless. He sits on my couch and sighs.

"What wrong Jooheon?"

"Not to make you nervous or anything but could you come over here."
I swallowed hard. I wasn't nervous until he said that.

"You should really do reverse psychology because now I'm nervous about nothing." I say raising my hands in frustration. He smiles for the first time since coming in my house.

"But let's cut the crap why are you here?" I say raising an eyebrow trying to seem brave.

"Ah right."
He pulls out his phone and goes on it for a bit before putting in front of my face.

"I want to talk about this."
I look at his phone reading what it says.
Jooheon- I.M are you gay?

I.M- 🔒🔒

I look at him a serious look plastered on my face.

"Oh that." I reply.

"I want to know the answer I.M! You've been ignoring me for-"

"Woah, woah. Ignoring you?" I say confused.

"Yeah. We haven't even talked in like.. A week man."

"Oh you thought I was ignoring you well what happened was when you.. Visited me at the studio... I was um busy with uh music." I say flustered.
Jooheon gives me a ( beautifully done ) bitch face. And I once again swallow hard.
"But you wanted to know if I gay though, right?" I say.

"Yeah I do."

"Well sorry to burst your bubble but I'm no-"

"I.M don't lie! Please don't, why did you kiss me?"
I stare at him shocked.

"Jooheon.." I say putting my hand on his. "Calm down and let me explain. I am bisexual. And to be clear you kissed me first so."

"Oh my god I.M! Don't scare me like that." He looks shyly to the side. I turn my head to the side to catch his gaze.( more like gays amiright ) When we lock eyes we just stare at each other for a little while ( just before it was going to get awkward ) before I say something I didn't know I had in me.

"Jooheon I like you." I quickly covering my mouth.
Jooheon looks quite shocked ( he was shook. )

"I-I like you too I.M." He says smiling hard showing his beautiful deep dimples.

"Good to know." I say looking away.
"Mind if I take you on a date?" I say looking back at him with some random confidence.

"Sounds lit." Jooheon reply's then hugs me.
I got out my phone and went to my message settings.
Change Jooheon's name?
Insert new name: Joohoney🍯

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