Chapter Sixteen. Recaps and Review

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"It took me a while to regain enough of my strength and energy to posses his sister Mabel's body in order to find Pinetree after he ran off when I had, 'died', when I did, he looked pitiful, it was horrible and I wasn't sure how long he had stayed in one position for the full day he had been missing, he was starving and from the looks of it, hadn't gotten any sleep. When I got him back up and moving we went back to the Mystery Shack, Shooting Star had told me that before she left to find Dipper, she talked to Ford about what he had done and how damaging it was to Pinetree, so luckily he was easier to convince, and then we went back to find you, hoping to either borrow your body or some energy to create my own again, but you weren't there, and since then Sixer and Pinetree are looking for a solution to this dilemma." Bill was done with his story, Will took in all this information and looked at the floor as he thought, he suddenly felt even guiltier for leaving with Dipper.

"Bill, I'm sorry I left, and if you need me to I can lend you energy, we can figure this out and plan something. I just, need to talk to Dipper about it." Will suddenly became scared at the thought of telling Dipper something like this, who knows show he would react to a story like that, and  especially since they are only just starting their relationship. What if he thinks Will is only returning feelings to get his way and help Bill?

Whatever the outcome, he needed it to happen, he couldn't imagine the position Bill was in, having someone you love and not being able to physically hold them, the thought of being in the situation made his heart hurt. Bill seemed to give a nod and got his cheery tone back.

"I was hoping you'd say that! I'll be visiting you again about it soon, but for now I have to relay this information to Sixer and Pinetree, you're cuddle buddy is awake and watching you by the way, so I'll let you deal with that! Thanks for the help." Bill spoke teasingly. Will blushed at the thought of waking up next to Dipper. Will nodded at Bill.

"I'm happy to help in any way I can, I'm really sorry, this is sort of my fault for leaving like that." Bill waved his hand dismissively and snapped his fingers, the scene faded away.

Will's eye slowly opened and he looked down at the dark blue sheets and the fluffy thick comforter that draped over him and provided warmth. Will remembered what Bill had said about Dipper being awake and he couldn't help but tense and look forward at the darkly clothed chest that was level to his face, he watched it rise and fall with gentle breaths.

His eyes trailed up the chest, his bright intense blue eye met deep dark blue ones in a staring competition of thought. It was silence in the bedroom for a long time, Dipper was the first to speak, his deep voice was still graveled, rougher and laced with sleep.

"I didn't think Dream Demons slept." He stated, Will tensed slightly. Most times Will would pretend to sleep or just close his eyes and replenish the energy he might have lost before that, which was what he was doing before Bill had pulled him into the Dream Scape for their little talk, but he wasn't ready to tell Dipper about the plans yet before he heard back from Bill.

Dipper was giving him a questioning look, wanting an explanation from Will. Will gulped and spoke in an equally gravelly voice.

"W-well, sometimes my energy needs replenished, since I don't need eat or drink anything, I kind of take the opportunity, and uh, l-lay down as if I was sleeping and just wait until it's time to get up again." Will was nervous to know Dipper's thought on this, because it isn't exactly like he needs to be doing this, he also uses it as a break from cleaning and rom the Gleefuls. He hoped Dipper wouldn't be mad at the fact he could always be cleaning and doing chores all night. What Dipper said next surprised him.

"I'm glad you look after yourself at least. And, it was nice to see you relaxed for a change." Dipper sat up. "I'll be working with Mabel at the tent today, so you'll have the house to yourself until Ford gets back later tonight. I hear some things didn't go very well this week, so try to stay out of his way and I'll try to be back soon." Dipper trailed off thoughtfully at the end, Will's heart thumped happily at the thought of Dipper looking out for him like that. Out of all the Gleefuls,  Stanford was the one you wanted to be the most wary of, unfortunately Stanford somehow found Will, interesting and therefor made him wait on hi every wish and need until he had to leave again.

Will had been lost in thought when a gentle hand held his chin and warm lips pressed to his forehead, this snapped him out of his daze and his cheeks flushed and heated up. Will looked at Dipper as he watched him in  thoughtful way, he leaned down and Will closed his eye ass they shared a short tender kiss. Dipper pulled away first and stood up, grabbing his clothing from his dresser he spoke again.

"You should probably get moving, do some chores so Mabel doesn't get angry at you for slacking." Dipper picked up his special bolo tie from his side table and looked at Will, who got up off of the be.

"Of course Master." Will replied as he always did, Dipper eyed him weirdly.

"William?" Will looked at Dipper curiously. "Don't call me that when we are alone." Will's eyes widened and he lightly nodded.

"What do you want e to call you?" Dipper watched him a moment while thinking.

"Call me Tyrone."  Will softly smiled and nodded.

"Alright, Tyrone." Will liked the name, it rolled off his tongue easier then Master or Dipper did. Tyrone gave him a gentle smile and nodded, gently kissing his forehead again before leaving the room to change. Will let out a soft sigh and he felt his hart still beating, but the happiness in him didn't last when once again he thought of the plan he and Bill were going to make.

How was this going to workout?





I wanted to do an extra long, filler chapter, because it has been so long since the last chapter was released, I am really sorry about that. Also! the chapters have all been edited and rewritten because I was only a child when I first started writing this, since then I have been put into high school and I've severely improved my writing skills, again I hope you all enjoy and hopefully I'll have the next chapter out soon!

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jun 18, 2018 ⏰

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