Davon Act Three: Braille

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"So you're saying he left it in the cab?"
Jaleane nodded.
"Did you see it when you got out?"
Moneybags sat silently as he tried to remember.

"No, I don't think so. All I remember is helping you get out and walking with you towards the restaurant while holding your hand."I could hear Moneybags mouth turn into a smile his eyes staring straight at me. My hand tightened into a fist under the table.

"Well, I'm going to try to look for it outside to see if it fell near where the cab was parked." Moneybags started to get up from his chair but Jaleane stopped him.
"You don't have to come with me. Just stay here and order something I'll be back in a second. Davon, you already know what my usual is so order for me. Ok?" Jaleane leaned into my face and kissed my cheek.
"I'll find it I promise." I felt for her lips and kissed her back.
"I have no doubt you will." She touched my cheek then turned to head back outside.

Silence ensued between Moneybags and me, the sounds of the restaurant attempting to fill the void. A deep sigh came out of Moneybags mouth, irritation mounting within me.
"So, you two going to break up soon? Because I don't mind being a rebound." I glared at him hoping it would kill him on impact.
"I'm just kidding! Don't need to get all territorial on me. Although, you do have a very nice package." The temptation to punch him grew as his words hit my ears. I picked up the menu and pretended to read it.
"Do I look stupid to you? I know your blind and can't read jack on that menu." I slowly placed the menu down on the table and folded my hands together.
"What do you want? Why are you here? Didn't you have your fun in college with Jaleane?"

He shook his head.

"I spent all of college looking for Jaleane and by the time I found her she was already with another guy... From her list."

I gave Moneybags a confused look.
"How do yo-?" He interrupted.
"Does it matter how I know?" He sighed and then lowered his voice.
"Look Davon I'm not here to steal your girl or break you guys up; I've been over her for a long time. Besides, i'm already engaged to someone I care about."
I shook my head.
"That doesn't make sense. Then why?-"
He raised up his hand.
"That's not what's important, what is important; however, is that you know the truth about Jaleane and her list. Ask her about it when she comes back."Moneybags got up and placed something on the table.
"If Jaleane asks where I went, tell her I had a business meeting that came up all of a sudden." He pushed in his chair and put on what sounded like sunglasses.
"It was nice seeing you again Davon, I wish you could say the same."
He patted me on the shoulder and walked towards the front door leaving me with mounting questions shrinking answers.

I remember the silence I was met with when I asked Jaleane about her list, seconds after she had come back with my walking stick.
She didn't say anything but the tapping of her nails on the table said everything she didn't. Finally, she broke the silence with two words...

"I'm sorry."

I tried my best not to throw anything and instead gripped the table.

"Sorry....That's it?"
She stopped tapping her nails, the air between us tightening.

"Davon, I was going to tell you-,"

"Tell me when? In 50 years? Jaleane bit her lower lip.

"It just wasn't the time..."

"Just like how it wasn't the time back in college?"

"Yes! Exactly like that."

"Yeah along with everything else you haven't been ready to do."

"Like what Davon?"

"I don't know? How about meeting your family, calling our relationship serious for once, or talking about things we need to talk about."

"I just...I need more time."

"Jaeleane, we've been friends, we've been dating for 8 months, were in our twenties, how much more time do you need?" Her hand swiped across her face as she sniffed back tears.

"Davon I don't know when the right time was going to be... I just know it's not now."

"Why not? I've already raised the question...I just want an explanation!"
Her breathing began to shake as I could feel her eyes staring at me. I heard her open her mouth, but the words wouldn't leave her tongue. My mouth started to feel dry, my face warm, and my fist clenched tighter as my nails dug into my palms.

"Jaleane I love you...so much. I've loved you from the moment I heard your voice, but I can't keep playing games and riding roller coasters with you. Since I've met you, you've never been ready...and I don't think you ever will be."
I got up and picked up my walking stick. Extending it I walked to the door, pausing just to give Jaleane one more chance.

"Davon!" Her heals walked across the floor and stopped behind me. I turned to face her, her hand placing something in mine.
"Someone left this for you, it's in braille." She tightened her grip slightly on my hand then let go.
"I'm really sorry Davon." She walked past me, the door swinging open then closing as the muted sound of her heels continued down the street. My heart was broken on that day, and Jaleane never came back into my life again.

For days I remember trying to bury my feelings, Pretending that Jaleane had never been apart of my life. I shut myself in my apartment for days, working on braille translations and correcting manuscripts. People tried to call me, and Kristen even visited me, but I wouldn't open the door or answer the phone.

I remained like this for two weeks, until while doing laundry I stumbled upon the piece of paper Jaeleane had given me on that day. I took it out of the left pant pocket and felt the bumps. The braille read a sequence of numbers which were arranged like a phone number. Underneath the numbers read a name. This is when I decided to do what I hadn't done in weeks.

I dusted off my phone.

Dialed the numbers

And said the first words to someone from the outside world.

"Hi Jake, It's Davon."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2018 ⏰

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